Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 2:37 PM
So how shall we pronounce "robot"? Pronounce it as "RO-BOAT" or "ROR-BOLT"? Haahas... See my new Mr Robot... but too bad everything is perfect just that "Yellow, yellow, dirty fellow!!!"

See the creation of mitchal's 2 more robot, but still mine is cuter ok.

Saw on tv the yesterday that my DA BAI TU NAI TANG has been suspended from selling. Other than that alot more other products that contain milk from china also been ban. Feel like eating now!!!
SATIts been long since my saturday night is not working, as i am working till 5pm. But i really have no where to go and i don't want to go home!!! argh...
episode 05 of home alone!!! In the end i spent the whole of my evening and night sleeping all the way till sunday. Halfway through my sleep disturb by the hot weather, and was sleeping on the floor then crawling back to my bed.
MonHere i am in school, and this is todae's problem statement.

Some funny facts that i know, dogs are SE MANG?!?!?!.. I din know that coz previously my dog can be able to differentiate the different colors. I rmb playing balls with her and she is able to get the correct colored ball upon my command.
And raymond found the piece of Blutack that was sticking underneath the table and started his creation. I think xueying and i asked the same qns, what if it was not blutack but some funny kind of chewing gum or what. Haahas... And raymond ans was like chewing gum more sticky or what one. zzz

Class for human Factors Engineering seems always chop chop easy chicken feet. Actually not really at the beginning of the dae, but as we start doing and completing out ppt its like, ahhh so easy la.
ALso the faci always like erm erm... i also dont know how to explain. Somemore 6p is always the fun part. Its different...
Its problem 03, when will be the dae of problem 16?
mabel just scribbled