Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 11:58 PM
Todae lesson was Human Factor and change team so not with Yuxiang(the boi not xiang). Human factor is always more fun than Six Sigma, Supply chain and CRM.
LAst min lots of people emailed, called and sms requesting for tickets. But too bad they are so slow... but then this time round in the studio is also much more smaller. I thought all the tickets are all reserved and given out and in the end it seems that alot people again last min did not turn up.

Sorry... not much pictures of those performers but in fact only us because no photography allow. But I think is also not a rule coz i saw lots of people ka cha ka cha!!! Overall everything goes on quite smoothly except for some little tiny tiny problems but i think that does not affect much. Also the audience that was selected were great and everyone was well entertained.
After performance went late dinner at kfc. Then back home to rush for my rj if not i will again forget like last night. My laptop is finally ok and i am going to collect it tml... happy*.
tired tired...nearly fall asleep in bus but lucky i did not miss my stop. But back home now i am quite awake. No maple for me... school's loan laptop super lag just pet society to acc me although is slow but still can make it la.
ah fa busy busy in prison... boring.
mabel just scribbled