Thursday, January 15, 2009 @ 1:44 AM

FYP is finally over!!! I should be happy and yes I am.. but suddenly alot other thoughts came into my mind that makes me think and think.
Our FYP presentation time slot suppose to be at 130pm, and watching others went in was like .... argh... because we finally went in at 155pm. Seriously i hate to be in formal wear and my future job is definitely not going to be any office job. After our presentation we still have to proceed to agora hall for exhibition, and i really hate it... its just simply bored!!!
After that i really wanted to go home but in the end still stayed because rebecca and xueying is coming back to school for magic so slack around with them. And again i really wanted to go home but stayed on for dinner at pasta mania with them.
Thanks all who wish me for my fYP...=)
and sorry to those that i end off my conversation with them be it face to face, sms or msn. I dont know whats wrong also... just alot of random thoughts. I felt that always end up being in a difficult position of explaining things to people and when they dont get it or perhaps im not good at saying.
But its really difficult! Such that since poly got alot and alot of things to explain. Like our UT which only takes 3 out of 4 best grades, our daily grades, our pp, our fyp, our school system, our no attachment procedure... its like i dono repeat for how many times about all this.
Still before i end off my dae, I got to play with blacky in Richman Online and teaches me some about the game.
mabel just scribbled