Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Another morning that I got to wake up so early, the person called to go down before 1130am to sign the contract but since the past few days been having second thoughts. But still we went down and I eventually told the person I wanted to withdraw from it. I was like so confuse pondering on to take or not to take. I just don't know, seems to you all its something easy to solve so why worry that much but then you all are not me of course you all wont understand. But really thankyou to all your advice and suggestion and also on what I can do. The person then asked me to give him an answer on mondae then so I think im going to think till I get more grey hair lah~
After that went down to PS for movie... COMING SOON!!! I think the story line/ plot is very interesting and creative indeed. And I think the more scary part was CINEMA 3, both in the movie and also the cinema we are at. My opinion is that I think this COMING SOON is more scary than 4bia and shuttr. For example the 4bia last part happened on plane and its like less possible you would come across such incidents of princess body being sent back to country or what. But for COMING SOON is like its taking place in cinema and even the seats are also the same "RED" both in he movie and also RL.

Movie Plot
Chain (Chantawit Tanasaewe), a young projectionist, decides to join Yod's (Worakan Rojanawat) mission to illegally record a newly released horror movie. Chain falls asleep during the screening and wakes up to find that Yod has already disappeared and left his camera behind. Suddenly, the horror movie that they were watching in the cinema starts to happen to them in real life.
(Taken from
Overall its NICE! Better than action movies because i dont know how to appreciate heros!
Its going to be weekend, SAT is coming soon~ so all my scandals still rmb our date?
mabel just scribbled