La mia vita
Sunday, April 5, 2009 @ 12:16 AM
![]() Thursdae Start of the 5 dae CSP(Certified Service Professional) course. The night before I was mapling till as late as 4am because I really don feel tired. And then spent like 1 hour in bed cant fall asleep thus listening to music and so I only sleep for 2 hours. Somehow most of the things like role play, presentation(again), group work, participation all this are predicted. The only difference I think was that different age group of people tgt in this course makes it rather more interesting and enjoyable. Also this group of girl friends from ITE which I think they are fun and enjoyable whenever I think of the conversation at the student lounge when some first initiative ask me questions. Not forgettting the young malay lady who also asked me if blah blah blah is my father. When laughters filled the silence, was a great moment. Although the time was like from 9am to 5pm, but in the middle of all there is a total of 2 breakout and lunch breakout. And it seems that breakout of the rest of the daes would be much more special as on the first dae first breakout we are just having coffee or tea at the student lounge. But for the second breakout, one team was in charge of serving us as being the banquet team. And this would take turn for all the teams for the 5daes. It sounds kind of fun for what can be more better than learning with hands on work. The to CWP to buy somethings and also find something. After that went down to gerald house then to know he is down with chickent pox. But I already got it so I think it should not be a problem as the chance of me getting it is like------ nth to sae. Fridae Been feeling unwell for the past one or two daes infected by his virus and also the first dae class there is this uncle called Joseph Quek which keeps on couging. Also AC was rather cold although I had my jacket with me. woke up feeling really unwell but had to drag my feet to leave my house. was ao unwilling to attend the course but I cant afford to miss anydae if not I would not be able to complete it. Dae 2 first break was my team being the banquet team, however we lack of 1 more member that left with the 5 of us where as the rest of the team had 7 members. My team member Ester was so hardworking that she did small name tags for our team the night before and she also sort of spilt the task. As if 2 people serving drinks, 2 on snacks and 1 usher. Although was not feeling well having flu and sorethroat, but must be passionate what... this is what we learn right. So we have to smile and greet them. I was in charge of the coffee and tea so was like asking... Hi welcome, Would you like to have coffee or tea? any sugar or creamer for you? how many packets would you like? Ivy and one of the person which I cant rmb the name eventually start to make fun. Where as I sae Coffee or tea for you? they would reply I want you can. This started because dae 1 someone serve as as coffee, tea or me, but me is not available. Overall everyting was fine although I feel xing ku, but dae 2 having new members of the team. I felt better because its different from those in poly. Discussion was done nicely, as in we contribute ideas of coz and when one is being volunteered by others we wont like "dont want la why me, you you la" There is alot more to sae about this course, as in the people, the incident, and everything and more. Most dread part came in when Im sick, starts to see and hear weird things. I thought I would not have any fear for this but was feeling uncomfortable when I hear. The problem is also none was at home thus I drag my feet everywhere. then beg me to go midnight movie since there is no where i could be at. afterall the whole incident was a long story... and im tired again. So now I should go rest. mabel just scribbled