Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 12:02 AM
Some random picture again because someone complains tt my last post was wordy...
also busy this few daes that i rather sleep than update~
been wanting to change a skin for my blog... but i got no time either.

getting down to deco a card for dear mummy on this mothers dae with kotkotmee... and left me and little sis to write something but i dont know what shall i write?

So how much do you still rmb? not to hao lian but I can recite it... I guess its due to doing it for so many years but it never been erase off from my mind.

that kuku person that did this...

really been busy from the start of my 2nd module "Manage Visitor Services".
got to do reports or proposal and really got to crack my brain to get it done.
also some unhappy incidents that happen at the start of the week, because suppose all my slots are finish and then last min someone canceled someting which leads me to PO.
well but thats all over.
everydae after 4hrs of sch im always so tired... wanting to take a nap.
but when nights fall im always so active to game till 2-3 plus but i guess i improve rather than sleeping at4-5.
worst still for this week got to do LGA 01 - 03 almost like everydae homework and its a super tideous homework. so afraid that i might failed my assessment be it written or oral.
wish and hope all my 7 dwarfs put in their best effort and pass all assessment one by one smoothly and steadily. not forgetting snow white and the rest of class member too!
and to mention its really like they got no respect for the trainer?
to be late for all lessons... or are they thinking that lesson start at 9.30 rather than 9?
thurs last dae for module was like wah at last i can take a break... no kit kat then.
although there is still LGA 03 to be complete and submitted but due date was sat night.
So i went movie... xmen.
not bad i can sae but most ppl would say its great. because i seldom watch action movie.
thought that everything would be much more fine and i dread for a sleep
but nightmare comes when my wireless thing pissed me off on thurs
then i tink i learn someting new for the whole of 1 hr on phone with starhub staff helping me to solve my pros.
staff name elle... and for that moment change my opinion i had on them coz previously had a super bad impression for I tried calling weeks before that its like I wonder if all of them are snaking. And when I emailed to them there wasnt any replied until i spam another email and the reply was like a few daes after and they even say due to alot of mail, reply was late.
for a sudden speechless when for the past few daes i have got so much to say. really need more time on my own for doing my own stuffs and one of them is to maple. also outing with them on sun which i still wondered...
mabel just scribbled