La mia vita
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 11:06 PM
my precious my new precious.. jack Russell terrier. His name is Xiao Bai... longing for one more dog since my last shihtzu. No reason for calling him XiaoBai...because initially I thought if he is brown I would call him either brownie or coffee. Then surprise he is rather white and mummy call out XiaoBai and I thought it might be a good one since I was panic over what name to write on the registration form. rather happie because was still afraid that he is some kind of mixed breed that will make him looks argh. He left his mother, his father and friends over there and joined me over here. Initially he was rather curious while we left kelong but seems afraid as he keep on see elsewhere instead of us. Through the journey bringing him to vet, he already shivered lots of times and I thought he was purely scare. The suddenly watery on my stomach because he treated me with chrysanthemum... =__=. he urined on me! ARGH. BEfore reaching the vet halfway thru at farm, put him down near the tree and he urine more. He is consider a good boy then because he did not urine the whole lot of chrysanthemum on me. To the vet and thank god everything is fine just that his ears. Same as my previous dog and also most puppies.The consultation fee was even expensive than me seeing a private doctor at clinic. He got to go back after 1o days for vaccination and also checking more on his ear and shyt then. BAck to other places in car while he still continue to urine in the car on a cloth this time round because we prepared a cloth in case then. I think it's due to the fact that he is shivering most of the time due to scare thats why he urine lots of time. BAck home and he is super naughty now and then. BEside me right now lying comfortably on the sofa. Oh ya he does not bark like fong gou... but he keep on making a kelian sound. heart breaking. especially when i chained him up at the kitchen and when he is alone. Also when this morning i'm going out he make lots of noise. But I will never forget how my feeling was. happie because my precious is here and also something else bothering me. do you know? still looking for people to go with me to comex... none i found. Asked vincent early morning his reply was see first if got work to do. In the end went with some of my classmates and yeah I got my printer. I'm so happie that I got one which is 3 in 1, same as my previous printer. Next time I can print my own LGAs... hope no LGA! and also able to scan my fav book and those design... free from going those kuku shop to get those pathathic pages photocopy out with such lousy service. How I wish I can laminate my own things too! someone suppose to acc me.. in the end i tink better not. Mum offer to come help but since it come with a trolley i tink it's rather convenient for me to take MRT rather than in and out of car which makes it troublesome then. But then, it's really tiring to carry and drag my printer back home. I got one more big blueblack added to my collection on my leg and also a scratch. shang heng lei lei. Those scar from my leg be it mozzie bite or scratch or orhbakak seems not to be recovering at all. argh* mon for oral and tues would be off dae provided I pass oral on mon. In the mean while, I think dont think much first but welcome weekend. mabel just scribbled