Wednesday, November 4, 2009 @ 10:36 PM

take off your mask and reveal the ugly side of you!
A moment ago msn-ing the girls from sch...
I'm sorry that because of my neglect I choose to trust the wrong person.
My 21 years of life... undergoing so much happenings than you all.
Yet this time round again I thought at least I'm right, listening to what that person have to say, be her listening ear, listen to her sorrows, gave help when she need it, help in her work, gave advice, be her partner, and believe in her, and I'm totally wrong.
But what else can I or we do now?
Let's just put aside those 虚情假意的人,
be neutral still...
if not what else can we still do???
and now I truly understand why sometimes people don't wanna to mention the person name out here for it will be too obvious, just too obvious.
There are considerations to be made before revealing.
But yet it's unhealthy for the matter to be kept in the heart!
What can I do ??
mabel just scribbled