Friday, March 19, 2010 @ 10:07 PM

A nice dae for me to visit Honey and also baking cupcakes!
Honey finally dance and says hallo once again. I guess health has been deteriorating for her and age is catching up. So lets appreciate our life, our friends and family and live life to the fullest for each dae!
It has always been a problem to me, just that I'm trying to hide from it. Until when darran called me and asked who I'm with. I'm speechless, I don't know what to say. All of a sudden I felt as if a fishball was stuck down there deep in my throat. I thought for a while but still no answer given. But I'm only good at replying in words, not verbally. It's so awkward especially mum is also there with me. So I just kept mum at that point of time. But still I try to hide...
I felt I got no use. I dont know how to give comfort to a good fren of mine who is in pain, both physically and mentally. Flashes of him in pain just went flashing through my brain constantly. Hope he would be fine, I would be praying for him.
*Since I made up the decision, I guess there is nothing more to take into consideration!
mabel just scribbled