Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 1:47 AM
Today woke up quite late and know would be late for lessons so must as well don't go and get myself downgrade. I think i need some sleeping pills so that i can sleep on time and also when i sleep earlier i think i would be able to wake up on time. But still i went to school for fyp meeting and feel so differently. I just could not describe the kind of feeling. Anyway after that I thought i wanted to meet xueying for lunch but sorry i still left school after that. I was looking at Daniel's UFO machine turning and turning and thinking where should i spent my time now. Also other than that thinking of something else and thus decide not to stay for lunch.
Seriously don't know where to head for but not so fast be back home yet. I just feel like walking and walking. Then head to cwp and walk from shop to shop but its only morning dear and most of the shops are not open yet. Then to Popular, watsons, more than words, kiddy palace etc... I think i am crazy coz i spent alot of money, story books, notebook, glow in the dark stuffs, watsons stuff. Almost everything just that did not manage to buy the playDoh... coz there is really alot variety and i was like standing there for so long thinking. Thinking back i think rather stupid la this morning and early afternoon.
Back home afternoon and re-read the book that i previously bought from kino, lots of things resurface. Also thinking back, how could my 6th sense be wrong?
After that was working, today stationed at usher and lots of people coming for the show mummy and also money not enough. Just now read mitchal blog and also had the same feeling when people saying they "qian bu gou yong". Although not doing ticketing but help to look after for a while while they check hall. I also want to watch the show!!!
I had my pay slip and staff pass. But i think the staff pass is kind of no use coz only limited movies but i think still rather then nothing right. Who want watch free movie? but priority to some people le coz that day shuo hao le.
anw thankyou ryan and andy...
say good bye to english july and hi to chi july... argh i know i am just trying to be lame so i would not think but still i will... help
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Initially suppose to meet my FYP teammates at 12 for lunch but sorry i'm late and meet at 2 the usual time to meet the supervisor. I only slept this morning 6 plus and intend to wake up at 10, in the end i think the alarm just rang and rang. While reaching school on the way passing by agora saw Daniel with his that UFO machine, it seems likes its working and he is making money ba. He tried to stuff that small soft toy in my hands giving me but its so ugly. But anyways still thanks but i don't like the soft toy that he has, none of it attracts me.
After that went to magic, loves to watch some of the video that drloke plays especially funny thing was "i hate David Copperfield trick". After that was thinking of somethings and slowly close my eyes to rest. If not for the loud laughing sound, i think i will continue to sleep. What if i suddenly sleep and never wakes up again? Choy~
Does my face really shows what i am feeling? I think i need to wear a mask so no one can sees. I was really shock when ryan says kan ni de lian jiu zhi dao you shi qing and blah blah. I really cant stop thinking then. Haiz, don't know what to say also.
mabel just scribbled
@ 2:30 PM
“男孩在你面前哭说明他已经快要窒息了,如果你拉住他的手,他真的可以陪你走完一生;如果你放弃了他,他会 很难再回到以前的自己。”
第二次,我告诉他,我欺骗了他。他告诉我,会原谅我,因为他爱我。他抱着我哭了,我知道他一定 很失望。
第三次,情人节。他紧紧地抱着我,对我说,不要离开他。他不让我看他的脸,我知道他哭了。最终,是他选择了 离开.
如今,我们都变了。他变了,变得陌生,过去,对他而言,也许只是很傻。我变了,变得麻木,过去,对我而言, 也许只是遗憾。
过去我的任性,曾无数次伤害了他。现在的他,已不会像过去那样对感情认真。我知道,一切都已改变。如果,一 切可以重新来过,我一定不会离开。不会离开值得一辈子去爱的人。
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 4:01 PM
MonYesterday did not attend lessons and also UT. I think I am on the borderline of going or not going but in the end i think i make the wise decision because again having headache. Recently been getting headache and i think sooner or later my mummy is going to cook lots of "liang cha" for me.
Then went to work as usual but i think recently mr lee has been getting more joker. He is making fun of my name calling me all sorts of funny name but so "nan ting" la i don like to be call "meibao" la or what "ma bao". Dotz~
Then last night actually agree to go to drloke house for pizza because rebecca has been msg-ing me to tempt and psycho me to drloke house. Actually is to stay over there but then i still have to work and if i am to stay over i have to bring my clothes and laptop, some more i stay so near only! So after so many psycho-ing from rebecca decide to go and just eat pizza and slack. In the end sorry ya coz still decide not to go because really not feeling that well. I been very careful and yeah finally no more errors again. My tickets number are tally and also the money too!!! If not going to be free labor again. Luckly vin was there when i receive that letter and i check through the red file still don't know which EW to key in to.
When i reach home i thought i would want to maple and watch some shows which i have not been able to done so. Its like so many things to do and no time for personal to do my own stuff. Yes i love being on my own watching dramas and also reading and blasting my music. In the end decide to accompany mum to Mustafa in the middle of the night. Well i heard that its a 24 hour shopping centre or what thing but have not been there before. This time round mum is not working and i also have the sudden to go and want to visit and shop coz don't really feel like sleeping. Been wondering why things turn out this way.
Well the trip there is nice... although my mind seems to be wondering about what has happen. We only spent sometime there and uncle drove us back home. Also not to shop late because i want to attend today's lessons as i cannot skip anymore, actually can but saving it for the last.
Oh no i am blogging again in class, but now its already the 6th presentation. I guess the faci is also blur blur when i pose him question. >.< LAter going to have fyp... =)
I think i have nothing else to say. I really don't know whats the problem that cause all this. I thought i should not have worry that much. Despite everyone advice i stand on firm to my decision coz i believe and this is what i get.
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, July 27, 2008 @ 1:32 AM
I think my brain is going to explode soon. There is quite a few job offer from friends but...
Since working, less time.
I enjoy the daes when i am alone, doing my own stuff. I have lots of drama to watch, lots of books to read, lots of news to gain knowledge from, lots of scenery to take, lots of song to listen, lots of diary's to write, lots of story to tell, lots of jokes to lame, lots of cross-stitching to stitch, lots of this and lots of that. But working isn't that bad, most of all i enjoy it.
I hate to be disturb... hate to be controlled. I need freedom, perhaps he wont understand it. Or maybe its my problem because i enjoy doing things on my own although i always follow other's decision. I think i really need to think about it.
SAT... thanks muimui and him for giving me morning call. Sorry ar i take long time to wake up. >.< recently been stationed at sb, i think i am clumsy la. Also been feeling itchy all over my body. =x felt things crawling up my hands and legs... AHH.!
I went in maple to help transfer things, zhi still continuing to help me zak. I miss the days when ah fa is mapling too... and when we 3 go roaming.
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 1:57 PM
some pictures that i have been wanting to upload but no time to do so...

Ajisen after Sundae magicbox...

this fried tofu is nice lar and scandal Xueying loves the most i guess... =)

This one... so so lar... nice just that i dont' know how to appreciate...

my fav. prawns... LOVES !!!!

and my seafood Ramen...

scandal ryan just loves to post when my phone is in hand...

Tuesday had fyp... initially scandal xueying wanted to meet me after my fyp but after decide to ask her go first coz i dont know when i will be done. But after that when i'm done i still called her and managed to catch up with her to CWP and scandal ryan was there too.
The 3 of us seems to have our own problems. Chatted... haiz i guess all of us are bothered each by our own problems. But then still if got any problems we chat and find solution together okay... After that was desert at food court and then time zone... since long time since i lay my hands on those machine. I played the drums or what thing with ryan. Its so nice lar i din play before and so shiok to hit and hit. I guess my xueying is emo-ing... she does not want to join in the fun. =(
But anyway i think thanks ryan... get to understand it and not so fan nao although i still will think. jyjy for your problem.

Wednesday morning fyp and then afternoon to CWT warehouse tour. Before our trip there bought lots of tibits from bookshop. During the trip there was damn funny, din know that my fyp teammates are that lame and funny.
This is one of the cold storage warehouse. See those people... they look cool la coz they in the dono minus how many degree Celsius place work of course cool!!!

I guess i nearly freeze till i cant move! See! Its like -25 =x But we din went in but the door was only open and for us to take a look and take pictures. Some other pictures taken during the trip...

After that went for magic as i have to return the clothes to uncle loke and also receipt for cab. Only rebecca was there and where are the rest. Scandals xueying is lazy to come, ryan is also the same? raymond off to sent her bro off. where is dear huimin?

But then Paul aka baolong was there.. and manage to get a balloon from him. He ask what i would like to have and i thought i going to say something that will make his in difficult position. So i said i wanted a start shape and in the end he really manage to make one. !!! LOL

And then also another heart shape with a doggie on top of it for rebecca. aww.. i said i wanted purple one =( l0l but ok la just joking...

I guess his gf house and room is full of balloons. But then actually i quite scare of balloons especially when they burst!!! Then, its really nice lar!!!
AFter that went for breeks!!! Xueying you heard that? Its BREEKS!!!

ok lar enough of those. UT starting soon again. Looks like i only have time to blog during lesson time. Later work again...
Today is like happening? Saw mr lee wife, derek gf, andy came to watch movie alone and also its been a long long time or its never ever that he sent such a nice msg. Dont really sounds like its from him. I suddenly rmb those silly days... but then thinking back i wonder how is ah fa. I missed the chats with him because whenever got problems can go find him talk. Then the 3 of us would maple like no one business but most of the time is only zhi and me. I remember so many outings that are planned for me thomas mag jody and so on but in the end its like never ever successful.
Also past few days in school keep on bumping into him. You know who i'm talking about right. Everytime i see them i will be remind of the night in ecp. I wish to have another night out with my w34k ppl... or maybe scandals night outing. Lets go shout to the sea...
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 2:10 AM
Some cute pictures i received from an e-mail... its really so cute!!! looks nice but wonder if it taste nice too. But i guess i will she bu de to eat!!!

Everyone seems to be bothered about something. Some with more problems. I think my scandals are also feeling fan nao. Don't worries la ok... just see how it goes. Dont emo le.
Also dono whats wrong with me but i guess tomorrow when i wakes up everything would be fine.
mabel just scribbled