Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 11:02 PM
OMG when i was at work my mummy msg me saying that she took some CHA YE DAN home... So i was thinking perhaps her frens make one then she bring some home. In the end, there is sooooo much of it. I wonder where she managed to get so many back home but who is going to finish it up?

Well, work today was fine. Sometimes would really panic as usual coz the customer is asking me alot questions and i have to answer them and also write all the procedure thing when they purchase using vouchers or what de. But lucky just now for the MA FAN customer jenny was there to help me if not i think everything all mess up.
Like in the past when i was working i dont panic that much coz i know most of the questions that they will me asking me but still new here so ARGH. But i guess ppl there are good and kind to help out one so not much worries.
That day was still chatting with different friends about jobs. I was thinking of that night safari job coz i am really curious and also interested. Actually before ew i nearly join there one but in the end i am now here in ew. But not so bad right. There are still alot jobs that i want to try leh so need make use of my time.
Alot of things i still want to do. I feel my 3 years is so difficult to get it through.
mabel just scribbled