Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 2:51 AM
When i told andy and some other people about it, they also have the same reaction. Their first line reply would be " wah like that your dream really come true". Its a nightmare instead! Actually i don't have to bother about it that much. Just that dono whenever i think that its going to be a fact, somehow feel so weird and uncomfortable.
argh... kill me bah!
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 1:25 AM
This LG-KF750 not bad right! I was browsing m1 website then show my sister this phone through sending her the link although she was only the next room. Yes, and i told her the reasons about getting my fav. phone which is the phone that i like most of out others but then she encourage me saying LG betta la!!!

Hmmm... chatted with my younger sis in msn and think that things are not like the same as before. What use to be ours is now occupied by others. Why cant things be simple a bit! Sometimes feel that no place for YI KOU QI, always be the middle man for them. Be it between who and who, i'm like no where to side, no where to hide. Thats why i don't like stay at home during the period of evening and early night. But past few days been working morning shift and went back home at that time. So what can i do is to bath and lie there in my room and fall asleep on the floor. Roy says i am trying to hide but i'm not, i just merely fall asleep.

4bia is certainly nice for me. But really damn funny coz i think i will laugh most of the time while watching. Its really gross especially the part the eyes was dig out but lucky they did not show the process... wahaha. Although i'm scared but i still love horror movies.!!! The first part about the black magic is kind of happening and true la. LEt me try on you!!! Waha.. jkjk... was joking that i going to use tarot cards and predict some things and then use black magic to deal with it. Thats funny...
Next show will going to be wall.e!!! I've been waiting for it so long, about 1 month ago i think because i saw the trailer and find it nice. I love wall.e eyes, don't you find them NICE... as if they got something to tell you. Yes although friends could get them online but i want to watch them in cinemas.

SUper damn pissed off la. Getting sick of everything. just when i wrote this i saw my sister nick changing to this. Stupid uncle want to DA XIAO BAO GAO and dont dare say in front of me and my sister. Only know how to go say to my mum about this and that. ROAR!!! why dont he have the guts to come up to us and say? WHY? melinda, do you know why he no guts? I really want to know!!! AHHH irritating!
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 @ 1:37 AM
ACtually i was thinking those people must be crazy to Q and purchase the Iphone, but are they consider the guinea pig? Actually is also quite nice and multi function right... But still still still i prefer nokia phones. Any nice to use one to recommend? nokia slide phone looks cute but weird. HAahas what am i talking about.?
Recently been working morning shift, 3 days straight in a row morning at sb and really not use to it i guess. As in all the while been working night shift even if i have school or no school. After work at 5 was like aimlessly walking around. I thought i wanted to use my last staff pass for movie but then all the movies not interested and only thought of meet dave. But no one is free to watch but also last minute no mood to watch.
Is like the same routine headed home and then fall asleep on the floor and crawl back to my bed halfway through and waking up midnight and feeling awake. Haahas... then i will go back sleep when morning comes. So what can i do in the middle of night. of course reading books and watching drama on youtube or But now keep on listening to songs and also some hokkien song even though i don't understand but its nice.
Tml off day!!! =)
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 1:35 AM
SEE! That's really so cute right. A heart shape on the doggie. I received this mail from one of my friend. But still i love my shihtzu the most... so miss my shihtzu.!

Ya... GPA is out and neither happy nor sad. I think i get what i deserved. But somehow my this semester got 2 B instead of last semester all C but my GPA is dropping. Thats werid but i don think that affects much. New class is also out, not going to mention here how i feel about it. But i think some of my friends already know how i feel about it. There is happy also not happy about it. That's why in life need a balance.
mabel just scribbled
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 1:24 AM
Remember I always say I wanted to sell popcorn because i don't want to go for performances than i will say i go there sell popcorn. Today stationed at SB I think the 3rd TRG, and finally i learn to cook popcorn. All the while been doing ticketing and ushering. Thanks Afiq for teaching me to cook popcorn but i think i still will blur blur the steps.
But i think SB really not clean, because whenever i work there for the day my hand always red with red spots like rashes. Also when cooking the popcorn, i think the oil slash out a small drop on my hand. And i can tell you in the starting is nothing and slowly the pain will come and you can see the red spot. After that i think will be the scar!!!
After i went to popular and saw this origami book. There is quite a lot of funny stuff inside maybe intending to buy it. Or perhaps i go to kino and see if there is any other more fun origami book.
I am waiting for my line to finish its 2 year contract then got to change and ask my mum to perhaps sign up for me for a new line and at the same time get a new phone. Currently this line under my sister name and i think i have to cancel it. But seriously i don't know what phone should i buy, none of it that i like except...haiz nvm le. Also i suddenly rmb my mummy says she wanted to buy me a digital cam till now. Where is it?
going mad... because school is starting.
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 1:23 AM
Zhi always loves to crap with me and today crap back with him. Its like long time no maple but i also sick and tired of it also. If got new map and if ah fa is free we shall go roam again. But my job is priest and what i can do is to heal, heal and heal. Mag says she is organizing outing for then its like... something far far away which don't know can make it before the school starts. Also that day was on the phone with thomas and he mention opening chalet, I think suppose there is 6 of us going. In the end sure left no one else going.
I working like most of the days. Yes... trying to keep myself not at home in the day. Becoz becoz...
got a reason for working... although i am losing money when working. shortage of 10 bucks for 2 days straight in a row.
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 3:20 AM
Last night slept quite late and have to wake up early today for work. Thanks mummy and sotong for giving me wake up call and i guess i only slept for about 3 hours or so. It was raining thus left home with melinda and took bus to admiralty. Despite of the rain and long waiting time for train to arrive, lucky i was not late.
Mrlee came with his house clothes and claim thats the new uniform which makes a big joke. Even the auntie cleaner is making fun saying he looks sexy. o_O but i dono got what link. Today everything was fine i guess but still when closing i took a long time to get everything done. Alot of errors here and there and i get mixed up myself. In the end a shortage of 9bucks which i think is quite reasonable as compare to last time shortage of 38bucks which i find it sibei ridiculous. But whatever it is, i think working one whole day is like this especially got alot things to count and those vouchers and MGC and blah blah blah.
Thinking of it, my holidaes sees to be ending soon. Its like so fast... AHHH. Yesterday was chatting with ah beng, whatever it is i said wish him good luck. When it comes to certain things, he is not that enthu but when it comes to certain things also, he got so much to talk about it. But whatever it is, hope he goes for it. lalala the end result i hope is something i wish for and which i will hahaha at her. =) Evil smile.. heeheeehee
mabel just scribbled
Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 3:23 AM
My Friday is left free for scandals and the cemetery thing. But in the end our time could not fit well together. Xiang could only be free after her performance at 5pm but after 5pm i'm not free because i have to go for the cemetery thing. So in the end did not went for Heiman's chalet but still happy BDAE to her.
Its like after how many days of not having nightmare and then it comes back again. I dream that i have a class gathering and i think something went wrong or what. I can't really remember after i woke up but when i wake up i saw an sms from shirley saying about class gathering thing. It was like wah... so ZHUN. But then i also dreamt that my sister was sick and jason which is her bf ask me to buy something for her to eat. Hmmm... I haven msg my sister yet don't know if she is alright annot. Last time when she was staying with me she also get sick quite often. Hope she is alright, maybe tomorrow going to msg her.
Oh ya... then was following my mother in my uncle's cab with Ah San uncle to the kopi cemetery. On the way was not feeling anything but my mother was saying she kind of scare. LOL Well, i can say the moment i alight the cab when we reach there i keep on staring at something near the bushes. In fact we are all surrounded by bushes but i realize got one small small red thing i don't know what it is but then curious. But anw i think its nth. The way there saw alot of tablets and was like feeling eerie. The place that they praying was a huge space and they starting to set up the tables and also set the wood on fire.
I was curious and was told that they need the ash of the wood as a starting base to burn the food and cloths. Then everything was totally dark and we have to start unpack the things. There was like flour, cheese, many types of biscuits, many types of sweets, milk, butter/ margarine, peas, beans, oil, cloths of different color cut into small pieces already and even herbs and sesame. And everything have to be mixed such as the butter, flour and cheese, then all the different kinds of peas and beans and then all the sweets.
When the wood was burning till left its ash, then the prayers start and chanting of Ah Ho uncle and also Ah san uncle. Then they have to take those food go round in circle and throw in the so call campfire. I heard one of the uncle saying we may start and wish what we want la. I go a few rounds and was thinking to myself, i thought we are praying and burning food for "them" and its like funny we still can make wish. And then i thought to myself for something and to say the truth the so call wish of mind that i think only came true. WAHA. Its like immediate effect i receive an SMS. Then was lazy after a few rounds coz i only said i am there to see see. The thing went on for long as in between they have to stop and chant and rounds and rounds of procedure.
Other than that they also keep on taking pictures hoping to see some happening things. Such as the fire from it can form different images if you are lucky. One of the uncle there actually taken one picture that can clearly see is the DUA LI AH PEK. This one would depends on your luck i guess and thats why everyone else is taking.
Then as the thing finish was like late midnight... and then time to go back. But at the last moment when the last chanting have to be done the lights that they bring was spoil i guess and in the end i offer my hp. My hp is not lousy one although its batt is dead coz i always have to charge but then my light is still strong. I think i still love my phone although... Haahas Then everything was finish, everyone have to wash their face and legs before heading off.
We have not taken our dinner so headed to marsiling there for late supper, with uncle, mum and ah san uncle. MEE HOON KUEY for me and mum and back home to bath. Currently hair not dry yet could not sleep yet also just finish eating so cannot sleep first. Tomorrow will be working morning and full. WOOTS
Shall go watching my drama show...

mabel just scribbled
Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Happy Bdae FRENS
Happy Bdae to Heiman, Andy and Zhi!!!
Having 3 friends having the same birth date but different year. Also i have alot of august friend and of course plus me too!
Today went to pizza hut for my lunch and drank the lemon tea. In the end, I keep on running to the toilet coz too much water to release. Sorry got to ask Mrlee and Mitchal to look over counter for me. But I think something wrong with the pizza coz stomach kind of feel a little weird weird de and a little pain. Lucky never
diarrhoea or what.
Yes the movie 4bia is really scary. I thought i love to watch horror movie in the past and i can open my eyes and ears for the whole show but now i could only cover my ears and shut my eyes. In the end cannot stand it so tell mitchal i not watching.
Yes indeed eerie, i remember selling 1 or 2 tickets for hall 1 in the one no one was in the hall when the show end. To make sure Mrlee still went up to the DC to check if no one was there. Perhaps the person was scare off and went off without watching the movie.
When about to go i indeed heard something, not sure what it was and so i call mitchal. I was afraid i'm the only one hearing things but i think he heard that too. Ahhh... Dono whats that.
Tomorrow no work if possible try to make it for heiman bdae party, but then i sure would want to make it for the cementry thing. Looking forward to it, although dono how it will turn out to be. Scary or what?
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Today's weather was nice... not really raining but somehow feeling cold all day long. Its early morning and helping my mother with some stuffs, yeah I know you all got to say its in my dream and ya la ya la its in my dream. Dreams are facts~ Whatever i also don't know what i am saying.
Work was as usual just that i find today's air con kind of so cold. My hands was like freezing and feeling numb.
hmmm.... how i wish now i have finish my semester 2... Haahas thinking too far right.
mabel just scribbled
Monday, August 18, 2008 @ 2:45 PM
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 1:26 AM
That was incredible huh... I thought i change my previous blog to another different link but somehow Roy still manage to find it and pin point certain facts that i said before. ARGH... so means you are clever la. Yes, my previous blog with 600plus post but now you wont be able to find it coz i lock it. Muahaha...
I am quite anxious to know my GPA for this semester. why? Because of something... But i guess i wont do that much better because of the skipping of lessons for the last few weeks of school due to some unhappy incidents.
I am working for alot of days next week, in fact everyday except for Friday which is heiman's bdae celebration and also on Friday night got something on. I am perhaps going with my mummy they all the taoist thing for paipai for the 7th month thing but still not confirm going annot.
Also finding one day to use my staff pass because thomas wanted to watch show but don't know what shows leh i watched le. Haiyo...
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 3:07 AM
I'm like loss for words. I don't know what to say and what should i say. It's like so unbearable when everyone seems to have something hiding not telling you. Sometimes things are so simple yet people tend to think until it looks so complicated.
Just like the @#$%^customer today, don't want to mention it anymore. So ps for' ... dotz... ren ren ren in the end still cannot tahan...
Haiz... i have nth to say.
mabel just scribbled
Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 2:16 AM
I was scared by hall3. I accompanied Iris to check hall as she said there is extra people in hall3 when suppose there should be 20 but she counted there's 22. So i went too and counted and there is 20 and we double check. But the feeling is like... ahhh i dono how to say.
Previously on Wednesday i went to check hall too but i only counted the number of people in all the hall but everything was fine. As there are little people it is easy to count from the front and i even stand there a while watching as that part was funny. But i did not manage to stay long enough because i got a weird feeling so i went out of the hall. I really scare to check hall next time round. ROAR!!!
Other than that, alot thoughts went through my mind. I believe what i see and heard what others say. But the problem is that its kind of funny la. There is goes, i'm going to say i dono again.
Hmmm... tomorrow working till midnight and i guess i am going home alone again. Its the part when you walk take the lift and walk up, scary. ='(
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 10:59 PM
Its holidae now and the best thing is that i don't have to go school. Yeah... mabel hate school-ing and so its a definitely no for me to continue my studies after poly. But miracles and unpredicted things do happen like what has happen for the past few days, weeks or months.
Since there is no school and no work, a day to slack of course and sorry this time round not in front of my laptop playing maple. I woke up as early as 9plus as meeting 1030, with him. I think i don't need to answer to people who are asking why i am out with him. I just hate of explaining because it don't helps. Just believe me that its just a simple family outing. If you want just come and ask me but it depends on whether i want to tell you annot.

Then went to The Cathay to buy tickets for 205 12 Lotus. After that lunch at PS the cafe cartel and its really a super full lunch. Back to cathay for movie and its showing at the grand cathay. I think its the second time i am watching movie there but for the first time its not showing at the grand cathay but those other smaller hall. I think i'm a fan of cathay because my movies tickets are either cathay cini if not would be CWP. Hmmm next time round i want to go there with my scandals and not forgetting TTL.
(You all should know who ar)
Then to kino a while before i go meet Xueying, Huimin and xiang. tenjooberrymuds them for leaving some ya kun loti for me. =) But they have already finish shopping at Far East but its ok la i got nothing to shop coz previously recently just went there shopping for formal clothes. Then to wisma there shopping for Xueying wants and she bought 2 shorts and a shirt!? and me too bought one denim shorts.
Then back to CWP with strudels home. =) apple strudels are loved!!!
Having a little chat with my sister although we are under on roof... thats the power of wifi!

I think we both feeling somehow same and different. Haiz... why is it so difficult right? I thought only i myself ask this question. Yes, how nice if life was simpler and normal.
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 1:08 AM
12 august 08 was the last day of my year 3 first semester but as usual i'm not in school. I think i've been skipping alot for the past few weeks but i really find it hard to get a real good sleep. I just could not get to sleep with those nightmares and then morning comes, i cant be able to wake up on time. So usually i will be online till 456 am before i am real damn tired and starts to lie on the floor or on my bed because i know that will be the time my mummy is going to wake up. And then was awaken up by messages and sorry i forget there is a fyp meeting with supervisor and i missed it.
Then was awaken but then lying on my bed been thinking of those memories. I myself still cant believe all this will happen. Then went to work, this time round training Derek. I think i really not good at training but then everything was right and tally i guess. Before that at home huimin called but i accidentally hang the phone and xueying called also. They said wanted to ask me out but since i working then they go walk walk themselves. I suspect a little why suddenly they called but did not ponder much. Then when working they suddenly appear and really surprise me. o_O they have just finish watching movie. l0l
Already been thinking all those things that have been happening since the start of it. Also when someone tells me certain thing then i realize i trusted too much on people that i should not have. I never think that this person will go and do such things behind my back. I already been so nice not telling other people what she has done but since she did this behind my back i'm not going to keep mum anymore. ahhh... going crazy soon.
Today was ushering and everything quite fine. I don't really dare to go and check the hall but then quite little people today. So i just counted how many tickets i get for a hall and count the number of people in the hall so i don't have to go up all the way. But i think if there is alot people i cant possibly count all.
haiz... i dont know how long am i going to feel this way. Its really tong ku and yes like what mitchal says how nice would it be if we don't have feeling. Take a knife dig my heart and throw it in the sea.
mabel just scribbled
Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 11:20 PM

I was so touched when I saw this. =) Scandal Xueying did this... so sweet right! '
Everything is still the same. I am super tired due to not able to sleep well in the night. Actually thinking about what some of them might have said, i think perhaps i did not cope with it well enough. I could only blame myself for not able to get the right solution and maybe yes i still don't have the right mindset there. I try not to think about it but then could not help myself but still i will try not to think of it ok.
Last second day of school but still make it a must for myself to come although i actually intend not to come. Also because my sister has want me to pass Stella's present to Leonard so i have to go and pass it to him. Anyway today got to admit that i did nothing because i find it rather stupid for today's problem statement. Its like repetition of what we have learn and i find it useless coz i was thinking they have nothing better to give us as a problem and just anyhow throw to us some zzz.
So i was watching "The Ruins", a show that i got from Daniel but haven been got the time to watch. Its super gross and "er xin" because the show has parts where they have to cut off the person legs and everything is very visible to us like the flesh and blood and bones. Some more i forget to bring my jacket because i did not bring my bagpack today with me because shoulder pain. Saying of "er xin", makes me think that someone uses this word before to say me. ' Thats like... can you imagine someone so close to you says that to you, how would you feel? Yes back to watching the show, i looking for 樱桃小丸子 and 绿光森林, feel like watching! So anyone have pls... tenjooberrymuds!
After school, not forgetting my movie with Andy but stupid Daniel go Taiwan or Malaysia!!!???? I'm using my staff pass so i thought of asking scandal Xueying to go along but she's not here in school. Even i ask her i think i need to ask another person go as well. In the end zhi wanted to come since its FREE right, so ask him to ask someone else too. So meet up with him at agora before going off to west mall.
Its like long time no go there for movies... I suddenly rmb the last time was start of 2006 when we leave the cinema. I still prefer Cathay... the screen is bigger and the chairs more comfortable. Today is school holidae so the queue is super long and i queue for quite a long time and its not moving and i heard a uncle saying to others " ai yo only 2 counters and they say computer hang ar... still watch what movie? go home sleep la" Thats a funny comment but still i queue all the way for my tickets, even Vincent busy helping out still he saw me.
Before that zhi and his friend went off to atm and they went super long and Andy not here yet also and the time is ticking. ARGH and when i called him he never pick up la dono got atm go so long. Then suddenly Mr Lee appear infront of me... o_O Well the movie was nice... just that not very comfortable feel itchy here and there. Also keep on being distracted by the little girl but she is cute although its dark in there.
After movie dinner at lot 1, jap food. Even think for one dinner we spent a long time thinking i guess. They waiting for me to think but i anything one so i push everything to zhi. And i think of course he is happy to have dinner at near his place. But sorry ya coz i was moody the whole time and keeping quiet most of the time. '
Before that Raymond msg to say he did not get his freely chosen elective, i went home to check but did not receive any mail. So never receive should be good news right, but then also means i would not be in the same class as him. New semester new class and new classmates! ARGH '
Tomorrow would be the last day of year 3 semester 1... looking forward?
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Last night after work stay back with EW gang to play CLUEDO. I din really play before so since its a nice day just stay back then. tenjooberrymuds!
Its like playing until 2am plus then we went home. I took cab alone, no free rides from muimui dad.
and yes... happy bdae to myself=) although been quite bothered by past few days happenings. All i could say is i don't really enjoy and also don't want to enjoy it. All the promises is not valid anymore. Wishes and dreams don't come true anymore. Everything is just like a story now... its only a matter of time. which is when you will be awake.
Well... anyway thanks for wishing me. tenjooberrymuds to those who wish me happy bdae. raymond was the first... waha... ty all! Also touched coz jianping called and wish me!! But before that he still msn me to ask if my number was the correct one.
I slept late as usual as i know sunday i have nothing on. ALthough initially got some plans but now all are invalid. Then was awoke by my nightmares... zzz. Also waken up by msg to ask me not to sleep anymore and wake up.
Anyway this is my birthday cake... thanks my mum, sis and Leonard for the cake. No candles this year... nevermind also coz wish don't come true so it does not matter.

My mummy taken halfday off saying she go shopping with me but i really don't know where to shop and singapore is a boring place. In the end we went to makan at bukit timah area there. The tom yam soup is really nice and next time i going to bring my scandals there. Also i bring everyone go there ok???

tom yam soup

fish and chips

pork chop
Also tenjooberrymuds jenny for that...

older now... really no wishes this year.
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, August 9, 2008 @ 3:49 AM
HAppy national DAE
Happy NAtional Day!!!
Yesterday 080808... i always thought that when this day comes it would be a memorable one. But i think it turn out to be one super really unlucky and not an auspicious day. Whatever it is, i think i don't need others to judge who i am. As long as i believe i am not that kind of person and as long as people around me are willing to believe thats enough. But sometimes, its difficult.
Indeed i think next time round i wont be so easily to believe again. There is no such nice fairytale, no nice stories, no nice characters. All are just wearing a mask, beautiful mask hiding their ugly face. When things goes wrong, they on the other hand accuse others of being da bian zhi or liar. Seriously no one has even told me off like this, and that person has no rights to say me when he himself is not that perfect. Ya, say i am selfish, say i am immature, say i heartless, say i lame, say i liar, say i da pian zhi or what, he should mo mo zi ji de liang xin. Is it fair to me?
kind of tired of all this... but then got another bad thinking. Suddenly urge day dreaming of struggling someone. I wonder how would the person feel. When i am thinking about it, it kind of feel so real and i can feel the person trembling and struggling. That kind of feeling is like... indescribable...
Perhaps i been having too much nightmares... don't know when all this nightmare going to leave me and stop harassing me.
Happy NAtional day. No national day parade for me. I been wanting to get the tickets but still always not been able to get so.
Almost thought that i going to short of 32bucks but luckily in the end it was miscalculation i think. I thought i short of 32 bucks so i went to withdraw it from atm and in the end closing got extra 32 so should be miscalculate. ARGH don't know what i am doing also. going crazy soon.
When iris ask me some qns i also don't know the ans coz i never ever think of it. But i thought that the reason why coz its a no ans qns.
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, August 7, 2008 @ 4:21 AM
don't know what to say... no school for today and no school for tml either. I don't want to go. So many things happen. Quite alot of people today, journey to the centre of the earth. I got alot movies to watch, finding time. holidaes soon.. i think got alots of time. just addicted to xiao wan zhi... dont you find her character happy go lucky type. i just wan to watch and watch her... thanks for you all for listening.. so ps just now coz... thankyou my fren...
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @ 3:34 PM
FYP day... super nervous since ytd. Coz i did not do much on the boonsoftware giving up from the start. Its not like the program flexim or corel, so i just simply shut myself from the software. But the night before i trying it out coz from the lesson warehousing i could not get it so kind of bu gan yuan. Also flora suggest trying it incase they ask then i dono then die le. I trying to see through the report and poster but at times all always finding myself staring into it and mind somewhere else. I was thinking what the facilitators might ask and so on.
Then was presentation... well don't want to say anymore. You know i know.
After presentation seriously hungry so ask them to eat together so fyp members ate together.
This is my art work! Perhaps i was thinking of things thats why.

Then nan de its early but don't have the mood to want to go home. But scandal xueying is still home, initially thought of asking her come out meet raymond and me go watch movie, but i think there is not enough time. So i met raymond at cwp... we also don't know what to do so just browse around for something... for someone's present. =) but still did not manage to find anything suitable, how? Then bored before xueying came to meet up also don't know what to do. So went arcade. Thanks raymond for the 5bucks spent on the toy machine. Its not worth it but still fun and also up my mood. Got that cyclop monster which i don't know what monster and also sweets.

MAgic meeting back in school... meeting rebecca and xueying and off to our bubble tea again. Yes... i love bubble tea but don't drink milk one ok, coz that will only makes you fat!

Yes its the last magic meeting before holidays. But i go there just to sleep. and why uncle loke add my name in the list. If got CE points then gd. I think i am too tired and since fyp presentation is over kind of relax so i simply close my eyes and sleep. So what happen when eyes are close, mouth starts to open. Xueying and raymond just laugh at me... =(
Then is dinner time... i enjoy my wed night dinner with them.
Below would be WU LIAN PAI of uncle loke enjoying mos de chicken.

Thats funny... yes trying something funny to distract my mind from something else...

and chi chieh waiting for we xuan... looks like his emo-ing...
lots of things... i don't know how to say.
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Early morning i start out as a gardener and its totally damn shit. Actually heard a loud crash outside my window and i thought which neighbor bang into the cupboard or perhaps something drop. Also suspecting their stupid bicycle crash into our things such as plants and indeed real la. My sister went out first and she shouted for me and i found that my mother's pot of plant falls to the ground with soil everywhere in the middle of the passage way. But the picture only shows the soil and not how the rack and pot is before i pick it up.
I was damn pissed off as i remember its not the first time that this happen also there is no reason that our plants block their way. The place is big and wide enough. So moody because its school early in the morning and also this few days like so fan le then go confront the china people living beside us. Why i know is the person living beside me is because after the incident happen i saw shadows and bicycle sound moving there and then the sound of chain and locks opening the gate.
The most irritating part i went to knock and shout for them but their door are open only gate lock. A lady came out and i confront her and she was like keep on diam diam don't want to talk. Then i continue scolding then she mumble say is her fren and thats what me and my sister heard. So i thought her fren is changing or bathing coz her fren never came out so i quickly go clear the mess. I was like panicking here and there looking for broom and the "dust pander" and by the time i clear the mess was like over the time that i use to leave my house. I was like wth then went over to ask her friend come out. Then she was like continue standing there looking at me then after a while confess that is she did one. I say her for denying it and then she finally say sorry but in a BU SHUANG manner.

After thinking back, i also laugh at my own act in the morning. I think i am just a sudden moment of anger and also moody. But i think still reasonable at least i no use vulgar language and i just want to clarify it and make it known to her that don't think no one knows lor.
Then was in school for warehousing module and its the boon software again. I don't really know how to do although i read the manual and try in my fyp before on my own. Then my team...zzz. _|_ see i learn this from zhi yet he say i bad gal and ask where i learn it from. Well although i seek help from flora but then still could not complete it.
Seriously its like the same thing happening again. People are late and i wonder will they be late for their future work or will they be late for their wedding or when they going for ROM? Its just so funny when i sit down there seeing them coming late and then somemore no initiative to ask whats going on. And i think its like always same routine no one will ask or initiate fmt unless i do so i just simply write the whole chunk of what we need to find out at the board. Thats why i only like to team with jieyi coz i know she will take care of everything.
Last week only attend 1 day of lesson coz was not motivated to go also. Felt so sucky! And then saw this, kind of motivated. AHHH...

After school went for fyp a while and then meet up with xueying. Initially meeting my sister to go buy my format pants and shoes then Xueying decide to go along with me and also last minute my sis not coming with us. We went to shop at sun plaza and manage to buy both my pants and shoes. Just for once fyp presentation i spent so much... plus paying my hp bills plus wifi bills i think i am broke... Haahas broke? maybe not wearing twice coz i think for the other presentation wont be wearing the same ba.
Reached home quite early... its been since a long time that i reach home that time and also have my dinner at home although is DA BAO food by mum. Also ages since i last watch channel 8 drama show, the previous show did not even manage to watch one episode and now new show are showing.
But still quite nervous for tml presentation, cant describe my feeling. I just don't feel like doing anything, thinking anything. I just blindly looking at the poster and also report and hope nothing goes wrong tml. I hope when the faci prompt me question i would be able to answer so trying to look through the manual but i keep on side track i guess. I would constantly think of whats going to happen tml.
Also becoz of some reason i cant really concentrate. Its like my focus is losing and i feel like giving a big bang on my head. argh... I need a rest to stop my mind from thinking. He is just simply giving me pressure and forcing me and i felt as if i got no place for fresh air. I need my counselor i think i am going berserk soon.
mabel just scribbled
Monday, August 4, 2008 @ 12:15 AM
Its terrible today. I thought i would be able to merge team with Jieyi because i did not attend last week lesson so don't know whats going on. If i merge at least i know she will explain to me and also we will get work done together. I like to work with her because there will be discussion going on in the team and also she is easy to get along with. In the end, there are these late comers that comes late to the class. If i were them and i am late, i wont even come and step in the class. In the end, my team is full force but it seems that i am the only one doing the work. No one bother to ask whats going on and also everyone is like busy with their own stuff-msn. I got no choice but to ask xiang for ppt but still could not copy also because scully yang ming take from her also then i know yang ming's patter he sure copy and paste everything.
In the end i search for everything like the definition and also process, but basically i follow the worksheet and also xiang ppt and search for the title of each page. I found everything but then still leave some definition not fill-in in the ppt, because i knew they would ask me "still got what thing need to find ar". Even if i tell them they also wont straight away go find but dono how many mins hour later they would still ask again. Sorry if i am rude but its the fact! I also quite pissed off with Gerald because when initially ah beng want to join our team Zhang yu stop him and say Gerald is coming. In the end, yes he came and i suggest he do the scenario because we are ask to do a scenario. If he don't want can jolly well refused but he did not and i thought he is doing. Then after a while i realize he is doing his fyp and not the scenario so i just got to do it myself. So when paul came over, he still say i "du lan liao" or what but then at that time really so pissed off so ever talk to them.
In the end i did the scenario yet got so many complains about this and that. If thats the case then why in the first place don't get to discussion together. ARGH... !!! Some more i keep on can't concentrating well. focus focus mabel!
I guess after watching "ying tao xiao wan zi" then i feel better. I want to watch more of it so anyone has the VCD or DVD can lend it to me pls?
Last second problem for Quality Management and the faci bought this for us. But seems like no one is eating except for a few. I ate too coz its nice!!! I love pandan cake, once in a while la.

Daniel damn pro lor bought 6 pizza for his classmates. But he offer me and yang ming but thanks ar i not hungry.
After school got my run test for my FYP presentation. Blah... i'm not prepared for it because i know i am smoking my way through only. Some how my mind could not concentrate just keep on running off the track. Please set my mind on the right track. Before leaving school saw erping and jer again, this few times keep on seeing them. But its always them who notice me then started shouting my name.
Ya.. headed for far east searching for our formal clothes with my FYP team member and also janice. Sorry i don't really shop because i find that all the clothes don't suit me. I'm a tshirt girl so i really don't know how to appreciate those nice formal clothes. But i think my fyp teammate is constantly choosing clothes for me, thanks for that although they all keep on find clothes for me and asking me to try out. For some i really find it not nice then very weird, perhaps not use to it but then manage to get one but still is flora that choose one? i think so..
I find it ok but not really like it to extreme but i think thats the best le. If i shop more i think there will be more KUA ZHANG one. I still do not have my formal pants and shoes. !!! ARGH...
I guess all of us are tired, keep on yawning and it is contiguous. I'm feeling tired too carrying my heavy bag with laptop inside and its like walking a journey that never ends.
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, August 3, 2008 @ 2:10 AM
Haahas... i don't know what to blog about. Some pictures...

A desire or not desire Sunday night? A slowly walk from roads to road... till shadows of the beach arising. The horizon of sea floating... sandy below my feet. As if water were reaching out for my feet and knees. Moonlight shining bright, what should i do tonight?
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, August 2, 2008 @ 2:58 AM
I thought i would sleep till late afternoon today but never did i expect i would wake up around 11plus noon and then could not get back to my sleep. Last night slept at around 5-6plus chatting on msn and listening to music then browsing some inspirational stories online. So i should sleep till 3 or 4 before going to work in the end woke up and change my blogskin but still looking for any nice picture.
Its a busy day! Lots of people coming to watch Mummy and Money no enough2. I find it super funny that why its Money No Enough and yet they say Money Not Enough. They should have already expect that since its new movie its gonna be full house and their reaction is like damn BIG when i tell them there is only like 3 rows from the front or 5 rows from the front that are available. Some more sometimes it is not that we are slow but it is them taking their own sweet time to make decisions to watch or not to watch and then the Q will just get longer and longer. Also wondering why usually the guys would speak very soft until i cannot hear and the ladies or girls would speak so loud that the glass would kind of going to break. When the SAN GU LIU PO gets together sure heehee haahaa hoohoo laalaa and laugh till my ear cannot take it. ALthough i am in the ticketing counter i can hear clearly and how i wish we are born with the capability to shut our ears i think that would be great.
All the while was kan chiong and paranoid coz very busy then got allot of credit transaction so was afraid that might be short of money again. Some times when i am trying to do the transaction then people will continue to ask you this and that. To me i think on the negative side coz they are trying to confuse me and making me go mad. But also realize as it gets busier, i also have less time to think that much. Also when andy msg me, i just go on saying i am afraid of the shortage of money. After that when i look through the msg kind of funny coz i was like out of a sudden saying that. Haahas....
But still thanks to him coz he say don't think so much first and have confidence and anw my money is all correct, no shortage. After that cab home alone, I know i should not be that scare one just that the roads seems to empty. I don't think i have to be afraid one as those things that happen are like ages back so long that i don't rmb. Some how thinking of some scary things that my fren mention makes me feel..... wooo!
Yeah~ I finally got the glass from mac. I find it nice and i don't think i will use it, just pai mei... Anyone eating mac please kindly upsize get the glass then if don't want can give it to me. =)
mabel just scribbled
Friday, August 1, 2008 @ 2:21 AM
I did not went school today again... again and again. I think i should not skip anymore le although i have lots of more which i can. Actually not to the extend of skipping 2 for each 16 modules, becoz i even tried 4 for each and i think gpa round off is still 3. So i will be in sch next mon and tues. Next monday would be having our so call rehearse fyp presentation and wednesday would be our fyp presentation day. Also would be going to buy our formal outfit that we are going to wear.
So day with no school should be able to do more things. But in the end everytime i feel that not going to school is a wise decision becoz not feeling good. My right eye still red and blur so even when i was at ushering and iris at sb i can't see properly what she was talking to me about. Being an usher today, manage to stop many people who are trying to sneak foods in the cinema but thanks to iris who keep on reminding me and also hinting me those people that have foods in their hand. Some even bought oranges and the baluku or what one inside, I think wont be surprise if they even bring a knife and cut the oranges inside but iris say she could peel with her hands. I even saw one person having a cushion in his hands and their tickets shows that they have purchased the directors club seat.
Saying of Directors Club seat, the couple who seat on that seat without purchasing it really pissed me off. I was checking hall and hall 1 was the first that i check on and this couple they did not purchase yet sat on it. Although i knew no one purchase it i still ask to double check it, but both of them just simply ignore me la. Then i walk nearer and ask them for their tickets but the guy just simply mumbler say "what tickets" and continue pretending to watch the show engrossingly. So i ask again saying i need to check their tickets to see if they are seating at the right position. Then he like pick the ticket from floor and pass it to me and continue watching the movie. I ask them to kindly shift back to their original position to upgrade to the seats lor. But then his attitude is like treat me like glass and say why he should and die die also don't want to shift despite i told him his seat is just there showing him. Coz he mention he was late for movie and could not find his seats.
I really can't do anything to them also so i went to ask help from iris. After that i think also no use so got to ask vin to go talk to them. Worst still they die die don't want to move and thus no choice got to ask the security guard meanwhile i guard to prevent them from escaping. Eh not really guarding la.. just in case they leave through the exit door then can ask the security guard to rest. I also don't know if i have the capability to stop them from escaping but iris leave her hp with me in case anything i will call xinyi coz my phone is not with me. I think they are scare also so i saw them starting to move away and they are approaching me which is near the front exit door. I faster call and inform them but they move too fast i was stunned when the line was through but i heard the guy mention where is your manager i want to refund.
Anw long conversation they had but all the while the lady just keep quiet and do nothing. But then the guy was simply rude because he even dash in the office which when i heard vin ask him to get out he still stand there. Then later in the end i think wanted to call the police but he say he has no time to wait for the police to come. I find it super damn hilarious la, they have time for movies no time to wait for police to come.
Hee... but super sorry coz that day i forget to wash the cheese cover and they thought i never wash clean enough and also ytd usher board timing are wrong. Coz mr lee could not print out the timing and thus i only add those midnight shows timing.
Suddenly thought of the song that goes " when i was just a little girl" and the title of this song is " que sera sera". I feel that its quite meaningful but what i found is only those sang by adults singer. Anyone has it with children singing one.. i think will sound nicer also i dono heard it from where before with lots of children singing.
mabel just scribbled