Monday, August 4, 2008 @ 12:15 AM
Its terrible today. I thought i would be able to merge team with Jieyi because i did not attend last week lesson so don't know whats going on. If i merge at least i know she will explain to me and also we will get work done together. I like to work with her because there will be discussion going on in the team and also she is easy to get along with. In the end, there are these late comers that comes late to the class. If i were them and i am late, i wont even come and step in the class. In the end, my team is full force but it seems that i am the only one doing the work. No one bother to ask whats going on and also everyone is like busy with their own stuff-msn. I got no choice but to ask xiang for ppt but still could not copy also because scully yang ming take from her also then i know yang ming's patter he sure copy and paste everything.
In the end i search for everything like the definition and also process, but basically i follow the worksheet and also xiang ppt and search for the title of each page. I found everything but then still leave some definition not fill-in in the ppt, because i knew they would ask me "still got what thing need to find ar". Even if i tell them they also wont straight away go find but dono how many mins hour later they would still ask again. Sorry if i am rude but its the fact! I also quite pissed off with Gerald because when initially ah beng want to join our team Zhang yu stop him and say Gerald is coming. In the end, yes he came and i suggest he do the scenario because we are ask to do a scenario. If he don't want can jolly well refused but he did not and i thought he is doing. Then after a while i realize he is doing his fyp and not the scenario so i just got to do it myself. So when paul came over, he still say i "du lan liao" or what but then at that time really so pissed off so ever talk to them.
In the end i did the scenario yet got so many complains about this and that. If thats the case then why in the first place don't get to discussion together. ARGH... !!! Some more i keep on can't concentrating well. focus focus mabel!
I guess after watching "ying tao xiao wan zi" then i feel better. I want to watch more of it so anyone has the VCD or DVD can lend it to me pls?
Last second problem for Quality Management and the faci bought this for us. But seems like no one is eating except for a few. I ate too coz its nice!!! I love pandan cake, once in a while la.

Daniel damn pro lor bought 6 pizza for his classmates. But he offer me and yang ming but thanks ar i not hungry.
After school got my run test for my FYP presentation. Blah... i'm not prepared for it because i know i am smoking my way through only. Some how my mind could not concentrate just keep on running off the track. Please set my mind on the right track. Before leaving school saw erping and jer again, this few times keep on seeing them. But its always them who notice me then started shouting my name.
Ya.. headed for far east searching for our formal clothes with my FYP team member and also janice. Sorry i don't really shop because i find that all the clothes don't suit me. I'm a tshirt girl so i really don't know how to appreciate those nice formal clothes. But i think my fyp teammate is constantly choosing clothes for me, thanks for that although they all keep on find clothes for me and asking me to try out. For some i really find it not nice then very weird, perhaps not use to it but then manage to get one but still is flora that choose one? i think so..
I find it ok but not really like it to extreme but i think thats the best le. If i shop more i think there will be more KUA ZHANG one. I still do not have my formal pants and shoes. !!! ARGH...
I guess all of us are tired, keep on yawning and it is contiguous. I'm feeling tired too carrying my heavy bag with laptop inside and its like walking a journey that never ends.
mabel just scribbled