Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 1:57 PM
some pictures that i have been wanting to upload but no time to do so...

Ajisen after Sundae magicbox...

this fried tofu is nice lar and scandal Xueying loves the most i guess... =)

This one... so so lar... nice just that i dont' know how to appreciate...

my fav. prawns... LOVES !!!!

and my seafood Ramen...

scandal ryan just loves to post when my phone is in hand...

Tuesday had fyp... initially scandal xueying wanted to meet me after my fyp but after decide to ask her go first coz i dont know when i will be done. But after that when i'm done i still called her and managed to catch up with her to CWP and scandal ryan was there too.
The 3 of us seems to have our own problems. Chatted... haiz i guess all of us are bothered each by our own problems. But then still if got any problems we chat and find solution together okay... After that was desert at food court and then time zone... since long time since i lay my hands on those machine. I played the drums or what thing with ryan. Its so nice lar i din play before and so shiok to hit and hit. I guess my xueying is emo-ing... she does not want to join in the fun. =(
But anyway i think thanks ryan... get to understand it and not so fan nao although i still will think. jyjy for your problem.

Wednesday morning fyp and then afternoon to CWT warehouse tour. Before our trip there bought lots of tibits from bookshop. During the trip there was damn funny, din know that my fyp teammates are that lame and funny.
This is one of the cold storage warehouse. See those people... they look cool la coz they in the dono minus how many degree Celsius place work of course cool!!!

I guess i nearly freeze till i cant move! See! Its like -25 =x But we din went in but the door was only open and for us to take a look and take pictures. Some other pictures taken during the trip...

After that went for magic as i have to return the clothes to uncle loke and also receipt for cab. Only rebecca was there and where are the rest. Scandals xueying is lazy to come, ryan is also the same? raymond off to sent her bro off. where is dear huimin?

But then Paul aka baolong was there.. and manage to get a balloon from him. He ask what i would like to have and i thought i going to say something that will make his in difficult position. So i said i wanted a start shape and in the end he really manage to make one. !!! LOL

And then also another heart shape with a doggie on top of it for rebecca. aww.. i said i wanted purple one =( l0l but ok la just joking...

I guess his gf house and room is full of balloons. But then actually i quite scare of balloons especially when they burst!!! Then, its really nice lar!!!
AFter that went for breeks!!! Xueying you heard that? Its BREEKS!!!

ok lar enough of those. UT starting soon again. Looks like i only have time to blog during lesson time. Later work again...
Today is like happening? Saw mr lee wife, derek gf, andy came to watch movie alone and also its been a long long time or its never ever that he sent such a nice msg. Dont really sounds like its from him. I suddenly rmb those silly days... but then thinking back i wonder how is ah fa. I missed the chats with him because whenever got problems can go find him talk. Then the 3 of us would maple like no one business but most of the time is only zhi and me. I remember so many outings that are planned for me thomas mag jody and so on but in the end its like never ever successful.
Also past few days in school keep on bumping into him. You know who i'm talking about right. Everytime i see them i will be remind of the night in ecp. I wish to have another night out with my w34k ppl... or maybe scandals night outing. Lets go shout to the sea...
mabel just scribbled