Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 3:17 AM
BOO... tik tok tik tok. Here i am not sleeping yet. Tomorrow is a no school dae and everyone is so excited about it right. School been fine and was watching "alone" in school, ahhhh! It was scary but now after the story end i think it really from a horror story become a murder story. Finally return the DVD back to raymond because all the while the DVD was lying in one corner of my room.
First Ut for the semester and after class have to go to another class for Ut. Its a process? L0L What am i talking about? After UT the incident rather not talk about it. GRRR! no movies so go home sleep. Also been feeling headache so i went home and fall asleep till 9pm.
Still, realize some people are damn thick skin. Still, they really indeed are 没有用的废物,只会在别人背后说是非。你们的生命难道没有更有意义的事吗?Instead of being jealous, waste your energy venting your anger like a mad women, should'nt you go and find something more meaninful. If you really love that someone then go for it yourself, not blaming others and being jealous and talking rubbish. Stop acting as if you are on good terms with me when in fact you are just putting on a mask. I dont want to entertain people like you... This implies to 2 mad women whose emotions are filled with jealousy and whatever. I dont get it why i don have problems with my other friends, my scandals, my best friends, my funny willy twinny bunch of people.
GO GET A LIFE OUT OF HERE! put an end to your gossiping for your mouth will rot!if backstabbing others or talking about other people stuff will only makes you all feel gd, den talk about your mom and dad. and seriously STOP SMILING LIKE A FEAKING RETARD acting that you care. <-- o_O you know i wont say that because that was said by roy, in helping me to convey what i have in mind.
Yes, really sick of all this nonsense. if my tarot card can tell me that you guys really are big mouth, den can my tarot card makes your mouth zip it up? o_O
well for the coming BBQ, my dear mummy is going to help me marinate Chicken Wings and fry Bee Hoon, I hope when the time comes nothing crops up okay! No promises but agreement that she will help me. If i can i would ask her to buy sotong and prawns too... again provided that nth crops up.
But before that, drloke have you book?????Someone pls, kick him becoz he constantly says i eating snake. Just after my UT ends and he im saying i eating snake. BOO!!!!
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 11:34 PM
A mixture of emotions.
Firstly happy because ah fa send me another poem.
Sometimes been feeling bored, no one to talk to and 顶嘴 with. Because Lee Si Fa is in NS!!! How I wish you are a girl, then you won't have to go NS. Well so when he is offline, been bugging him. Is rather stupid, knowing that he is in NS but still send him offline msg for poem. BOO! But happy=) Other than that, knowing some other people do care too. Also happy and waiting for roy to come back from aus, promise that i will receive a gift. I dont care what ever it is coz i know perhaps he only rmb his gift for his gf and forgotten mine, but i know my childhood fren is coming back soon!!!
See the sad part, everyone seems so far. I am all alone! I miss it when i can sit down there mapling the whole dae. coz i know someone to maple with me. long time no go night viewing, even when all of us are in silence i just love the company of roy and jermaine. but all of you are gone!!!
Feeling rather pissed off by those 可怜的人们。 They thought no one will know when they speak behind other people's back. Is rather funny, what is there so nice for them to talk and gossip about. They are just so pathetic coz in their life eat, sleep, shit and gossip. For goodness sake go borrow the book called "I know what you are thinking" and also go get the cert for "human body language and mindset" If you want to gossip about people, be prepared to be gossip by people too. Hmmm... maybe i am also lifeless like you guys. becoz I LOVE TO GOSSIP ABOUT YOU TOO!!! Perhaps i am just someone who loves to eat, shit, sleep like you all. as bloodyfool as you all, as jealous as you all resulting from eating too much vinegar. as stupid as you all, because brain have turn rusty due to the consequences of thinking too much rubbish thing to gossip about people. I pity you all... =(
In love with mamamia, the song are all really nice. Especially "Slipping through My Fingers", "Lay All You Love On me", "SOS" and also "I have a Dream". I think i have heard this "I Have a Dream" somewhere else when i was young.
Waiting for our BBQ to come... woots. Last BBQ seems so far with W34K and the staying of overnight at ECP, other than that have i been to other BBQ? Chicken Wings, Sting Ray, HotDogs and what else? alot alot more...
Problem 04 now... waiting for problem 16. When will that dae arrive?
Everything is like so random... but it is!!!
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 11:26 PM
M2, or Msquare which is Morning Moody. Yes its like always the same. Todae because of some unhappy things which i don't wan to mention it. Why is it always like this? Can anyone tell me why? ARGH!!!
Yes, it was fyp of course. I am just feeling tired. I wan to sleep!!!
I saw the mail about the trip to Goats Farm and kind of interested. Also there is 1DA awarded for attendance and 1 DA for RJ. I wondered how it is like but the trip is mainly more on supply chain i guess. Also received the mail from SPI that they will be organizing a spooky night walk at devil's Bend,
Old Upper Thompson Road. I heard about the race track thing from my mum perhaps that many deaths occur there. I feel like going...
I wondering where is woodlands cemetry? I came across it while lookinh through the registration for the Devils Bend. Stayed in woodlands for that long and i din know that there is woodlands cemetry. Hmmm... Haahas. Day dreaming~ i will kill you and dump you there!!! o_O joking... why so serious!?
After fyp went magic late, and i walk super long through the escalator to get up to w3 when the fact is i'm already at w5 but at that time the lift stop working upwards. Then dinner at swensen, and the food simply pui. except for the deep fried mushroom. Even i think my campbell soup taste nicer than their soup.
Ut1 is coming soon... thats fast! Tired tired... i wan long long long long long hour of sleep. 24 hours of sleep would be a nice one.
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 3:26 PM
Yesterdae after school i only hibernate my laptop thinking when i get home i do all my quiz, evaluation and RJ. Is more convenient this way because all my windows are still open and also faster when i start up my laptop. In the end when i reach home, I could not start up. It keep on restart and could not go to my windows saying it is corrupted. PANIC!!! Thanks andy for calling to ask...
I just feel so bored. I could only read books and listen to my mp4 for the night. I read through my diary during the period of jht. Suddenly my soul flew to the period during my dreams. Waha...
Todae morning went to school as usual to the IT helpdesk, I thought it would be a sure to reformat and i have not backup all my document. In the end, the person there asked me to leave my laptop there for around 1 and a half hour and he would msg me when it is done saying that he's going to do windows repair for me. So i spent my time in the lib slacking and reading story books. I don't have my laptop and does not want to go class staring into the air. Even if i borrow one i think i would be spending the time figuring out how to use their laptop.
Just nice my laptop is done and recovering... i stayed in lib for a while as the person asked me to scan my com. And then xueying came over to look for me during her first breakout. But sorry ar did not stayed to have lunch with her becoz i am simply bored there. I went cWP popular instead and then back home reading my story books.
When you open a book, you open a door, by start reading you step into a world, and you don't know what you are going to find or what is going to find you...sometimes you find yourself...
mabel just scribbled
Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 2:37 PM
So how shall we pronounce "robot"? Pronounce it as "RO-BOAT" or "ROR-BOLT"? Haahas... See my new Mr Robot... but too bad everything is perfect just that "Yellow, yellow, dirty fellow!!!"

See the creation of mitchal's 2 more robot, but still mine is cuter ok.

Saw on tv the yesterday that my DA BAI TU NAI TANG has been suspended from selling. Other than that alot more other products that contain milk from china also been ban. Feel like eating now!!!
SATIts been long since my saturday night is not working, as i am working till 5pm. But i really have no where to go and i don't want to go home!!! argh...
episode 05 of home alone!!! In the end i spent the whole of my evening and night sleeping all the way till sunday. Halfway through my sleep disturb by the hot weather, and was sleeping on the floor then crawling back to my bed.
MonHere i am in school, and this is todae's problem statement.

Some funny facts that i know, dogs are SE MANG?!?!?!.. I din know that coz previously my dog can be able to differentiate the different colors. I rmb playing balls with her and she is able to get the correct colored ball upon my command.
And raymond found the piece of Blutack that was sticking underneath the table and started his creation. I think xueying and i asked the same qns, what if it was not blutack but some funny kind of chewing gum or what. Haahas... And raymond ans was like chewing gum more sticky or what one. zzz

Class for human Factors Engineering seems always chop chop easy chicken feet. Actually not really at the beginning of the dae, but as we start doing and completing out ppt its like, ahhh so easy la.
ALso the faci always like erm erm... i also dont know how to explain. Somemore 6p is always the fun part. Its different...
Its problem 03, when will be the dae of problem 16?
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 3:04 AM
Everydae, out there somehow something is there waiting to spoil my mood.
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 11:38 PM
I guess ytd night dinner which was the korean food from CWP and also the teh tarik... making me LS for ytd night. Todae asked raymond and he also LS lah... thought that xueying and huimin would also be in the same situation but they did not.
Its problem 3, finally yet so long to reach problem 16. No motivation to come! Counting down to how many more problems, how many more weeks, how many more daes.
See what stupid drloke draw...

Im not eating snake ok!!!
its so difficult, how i wish for some moment i can dig out my heart put in the freezer. 这样就不会有感觉。how i wish at times time will stop, 所以眼泪不轻易留下来。 Just one more time, if i can i just need a piece of paper, i shall fill it up with words.
mabel just scribbled
@ 2:46 AM
WEDNESDAEits like a rare wednesdae other than holidae, a dae of no FYP!!! I guess its the same routine for me to sleep till late noon but was awaken up by sms. But no worries that's not the reason to wake me up from my sleep, i've been awake since morning just cant leave my bed. The stupid weather is so hot and making me headache. But it seems like every wed i am not feeling good. Even when xueying msg me i really relectant to go school still. But the night before drloke asked me down to set up the projector and camera and agree le. Last minute not go its not good. Also thinking of other factors, such as the one i mention to drloke.
Met xueying at CWP to buy my fav. sushi...and apricots. Please, its not lizard or the texture of a old ah pek hand. Had fun joking about the apricots huh. LOL
The place, the people... memories. =)
Again as usual sitting down there seeing them performing. Something that strikes me, someone playing maple in windows mode. o_O so long nv maple also coz been stuck at that level lazy to train. Miss the daes mapling with them...Haahas.
After that was dinner at CWP just that this time round that slow uncle loke not having dinner with us.
Tamagochi!!! LOL
mabel just scribbled
Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 11:06 PM

nth to say. What to say?
ke lian human beings, because they need to act to survive. No life liar just have to act. No need act please because all of ur acting SUX. I am just talking to my rockstar. coz coz coz... I find not reason to talk to anyone. My rockstar rox!!! ya like real.
Jingkai suddenly msg asking me some advice. When he msg i suddenly think back of some incident that happen not long ago before joining ew. but anw i really dont know how to help him.
Before that stationed at sb, i really confuse why tally or not tally, void and blah blah blah~
itchy~ Grrrr
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 1:26 AM
FridaeThanks to ah fa for bringing me the medicine. I din really know he would come down to ewsp to give me. But quite funny, he the one seeing doctor but i also get the medicine. But after eating really feel better abit, but still cough cough cough. AH CHOO!!!
Alot things... happen. self-actualization. Too sensitive. watever. LIARS!!!

So what can i do? Talk to my rockstar when boredom strikes.
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 10:13 PM
mabel just scribbled
Monday, September 8, 2008 @ 10:32 PM
Its Mondae and school again of course. My mind not with me, my heart not with me, my soul flown away. Haahas ring ring ring... bring my soul back. The images just keep on flashing back in my mind and the scent of air just constantly reminds me. Sometimes certain smell makes you think of certain people, certain things you see reminds you of memories. Be it good or bad, I think all of it still capture right there. I always never wanted to regret anything that i have done but sad to say 到头来, i think i am still the same.
The moment i reach my class, it was empty and i thought i gone to the wrong class. Lucky raymond and some other peopl walk in later on. My team was fine, lucky with 2 people that i know and 1 which i do not know but she's fine i guess. One more person in my team which is mr gerald again, he is not in school again as usual. The faci call my name "chong jiayin" early in my morning and i was like trying to figure out who he was because he knew my name. But i think i toot la, take some time to realise that.
After school, movie with xueying, raymond and yuxiang at ewsp using my staff pass. Its again like last minute decision again. I want to watch wall.e!!!
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Fridae was like AHHH. I was team with Mr Gerald and he just simply keep on "bom-ing" me in msn. He is just trying to irritate me and yes i am irritated by him!!! BOM actually stands for Bill of Material but then in msn my bomb really turn out to be a monkey bombing itself. BOM BOM BOM and BOM!!! Seriously just hate the faci because i am nationalist!!! Whatever word is that, you know what i mean.
Raymond msg me during my working time, but really not his fault. I'm not blaming him for anything but anyway i'm a little late for work but then its ok. Anyway he asked me to wait for him and friends and i also agree so not exactly all his fault.
I have the sudden thoughts of the holidae in genting. Just missing it!!! and also missing something else...
Mitchal bought this book "Journey to the neitherworld or netherworld?" opps... i forgotten. But anyway its really a nice book. The one that is most popping up in my mind is 9th level of hell, chamber of tongue ripping. Haahas those who loves to gossip and blah blah shall go here. YES and have their tongue KA CHA!!! =X

and also please notice the 4 words on each of their hat!!!

its really funny lah!!!
Bought some stars to fold...

and mitc bought those that we so called scrolls and roll.




and then slowly filling up the bottle

And lastly it is all filled up...
Yes seeing the filled up bottle reminds me of something. A gift that was meant to be for someone but i really did throw it away. Roy does not believe me but it was him who encourage me to throw it away. Haiz... let it be let it be let it be.
Hmmm... dono how to say. So many things...
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 10:06 PM
First Dae of School
Once again the first dae of school in RP after holidaes. Now currently announcing to you guys, im year 3 semester 2. It seems so near yet so far. Lets see, 16 problems for each module to go which means total of 64 days of lessons to go and 4 UT(Understanding Test) for each modules which is 16 UTs to go. Furthermore I have not included the days needed to come back for FYP in the 64days. Argh... torturing! School, school and school.
Its the same routine, new semester, new class and new classmate. But i am going to be in the same class with some familiar faces. Mr Gerald told me yesterdae: "Hi classmate for 3modules." I am going to be with Liping for 4 modules!!! Hong mian and wei kiat the "ba gua wang" and if i'm not wrong hardeep also. Raymond for 3 modules!!! Daniel, Jieyi Kai wou, Wen hao, Marcus and some other i forgotten, going to be in the same class as them for 1 or more modules also.
Today team with raymond and 2 other girls, and the faci was my year 2 sem 1 faci. There is this stupid game from our worksheet and i find it lame but fun la. Was it fun? Oh ya and first dae having problems trying to connect to rpnet. Somehow just in love with my cursor, although i hate cats but this one is super cute. So in loved with my cursor and cant help it just stare into it day dreaming.

and tata... receive a msn greeting. MOONCAKE!!! I remember that day went down with mitchal to buy food and suddenly craving for mooncake but we did not have enough cash. But this greeting from Andy is cute, i wonder how the person actually manager to come up with this?

After school thought of going to use my staff pass watch movie with thomas they all, but he want to watch money no enough and 4bia which i already watch. Somemore say don't have money to pay want to watch free using my staff pass. zzz. Then decide not to watch in the end watch movies with scandals. Yup, and we watch Death Race at CWP.

Yes is nice movie, but too much of gross part. Blood splashing here and there and violent part of banging here and there. OMG pain la~ I was freezing although with my jacket, you can feel the numbness on your face. Funniest part was when Xueying ask me if i am cold and of course i say yes. And she ask and say not seeing me moving at all, reason i told her because i am too cold to move la!!! Haahas... ryan was also freezing and shivering there. AHH... whats wrong with cathay todae, air con free of charge ar.!!! only raymond feeling fine.
School again... haiyo.
Yesterdae night thought that i would not be able to sleep well but in fact i sleep rather ok. Having flu and somemore the fall making me pain, but somewhere else hurts more. Then diarrhea for 3 times and then red eyes, after all this im still not feeling tired but just smoothly fall alseep last night.
Yes, i truly believe maybe perhaps i still do... why don't i always be the first to get all the hints right?
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Its really a super SUAY day. Haiz... not to mention the chain of things that has happen. pain, pain and pain everywhere. Today should not have go work but to go see doctor instead. Why see doctor? I shall tell the doctor that 我全身上上下下都不舒服。
School starting soon. Finally its Year 3 and semester 2!!! I want to 快快 finish my semester. But still when school starts, its again quiz, evaluation and RJ... and not to forget presentation and 6p. 3 years of all these in RP!!!
And yes, receive a msg from RP indicating my class room for tomorrow. I have 3 different class for my 4 modules and really afraid that i might go in the wrong class. I never encounter this kind of different class till now. Haiyo!!!
Those no-life-people starts to spam other people's tag board. Shaa, don't care about them. They are just simply jealous of you and izza. Haahas, really funny and pity those spammers because they don't have the guts to use their name and what they can do is to silently envy people and try to put people down. lala~ get a life lah!
roy says its all misunderstanding. Yes, sometimes i am too rush for things. 没有经过大脑 then do things. After analysis, i am stupid to fall for the trap. Perhaps not wise enough, or he is simply to cunning.
I am not crying!!!
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 11:55 PM
I already had that decision in mind just that I thought i am still dreaming. Also i think it is hard to say it out. AHH kill me!!! but i tink watever le la... its just a liar and and a big loser that cant afford to lose the war. since want to do until like that, i wont let him have the chance to get back at me. i'm left with the optimal solution.
Stupid people just don't have their own life and they are just simply jealous of others. Even small matter they want to make it big and blame others for it. They should be responsible for what they have done but instead they love to find faults on others. I think their motive of living is just eat, shit and sleep. Problem when they eat too much, they get fatter and fatter and one day they can't even get out of their house door. Problem when they shit too much, they themselves stink lots be it when they talk or maybe the presence of them just stink mother earth. Problem when they sleep too much, they tend to dream and also day dream alot super funny things that will never happen. So when things dont happen according to what they want, the cycle comes again which starts from EAT!!! wahaha
School starting soon... this Thursday is the day!!! HAIZ~ so SIAN AR. hate school. Just for the sake of one diploma... and i think i regretted what i have choose. But was i given any chance in the start? My modules for sem 2, again i regretted should have take my FCM earlier on so this sem i can enjoy less modules which is only 3 like some of them. SO SHIOK right. !!!

Since yesterday night down with flu... somemore before that throat really not been feeling good. The moment i left work ytd keep on sneezing till i reach home. Today still flu and thought wanted to go see doctor get the pill but then woke up late and also i don like to go alone. So weird and........ dotz. I realise one thing, flu and throat are good friends!!!coz they are always together. zzz so lame.
Although was late for seeing doctor but still time enough to go cwp buy long john. As said the night before, help mitchal and mrlee to dabao long john. But muimui still down with lausai so cannot eat. And nany fasting... no food for her too.
Yes keep on wanting and saying to make confession to priest lee, but i haven make. l0l. whats my confession... i truly know. how am i going to say it out.
mabel just scribbled
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 1:34 AM
lets see...
mabel just scribbled