La mia vita
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 11:26 PM
TIRED~ M2, or Msquare which is Morning Moody. Yes its like always the same. Todae because of some unhappy things which i don't wan to mention it. Why is it always like this? Can anyone tell me why? ARGH!!! Yes, it was fyp of course. I am just feeling tired. I wan to sleep!!! I saw the mail about the trip to Goats Farm and kind of interested. Also there is 1DA awarded for attendance and 1 DA for RJ. I wondered how it is like but the trip is mainly more on supply chain i guess. Also received the mail from SPI that they will be organizing a spooky night walk at devil's Bend, Old Upper Thompson Road. I heard about the race track thing from my mum perhaps that many deaths occur there. I feel like going... I wondering where is woodlands cemetry? I came across it while lookinh through the registration for the Devils Bend. Stayed in woodlands for that long and i din know that there is woodlands cemetry. Hmmm... Haahas. Day dreaming~ i will kill you and dump you there!!! o_O joking... why so serious!? After fyp went magic late, and i walk super long through the escalator to get up to w3 when the fact is i'm already at w5 but at that time the lift stop working upwards. Then dinner at swensen, and the food simply pui. except for the deep fried mushroom. Even i think my campbell soup taste nicer than their soup. Ut1 is coming soon... thats fast! Tired tired... i wan long long long long long hour of sleep. 24 hours of sleep would be a nice one. mabel just scribbled