Saturday, January 31, 2009 @ 1:05 AM
Life is Great

I should stop my laziness and get up early. Woken up by mum and here we go for Mac Big Breakfast! I saw this dog by itself and everyone seems to be use to it that he/she is suppose to be there. Look kind of forlorn but still have that "Always look on the bright side of life" on the dog face. I want my dog !!!
I guess mum is addicted to shopping. Especially neighbourhood shopping at TPY and AMK is seriously missed by us because used to stay there long, long ago thus spending most weekend or even weekdaes there loitering when young. Not forgetting she spent a sum of money on "Heng Heng", she just would get whatever is in her mind and nothing can stops her. Even the intention of going VIVO but after that dono whats stopping her leg from going against her mind and heart. I guess we just don't wanna miss out favourite channel 8 dramas!
Still, went to Courts to search for a table because I wanted one to be placed in my room but could not find any that I like. Its either too big or the color is so kuku. Perhaps I should really go try IKEA although my friends comment was ___. ehhh -_-]
Todae suppose to meet Yuxiang & Rebecca at jub, but afterall it's a long story. In the end did not meet up with them and I got to go bank to clarify my cheque. After tat was going down to meet my mum and sis to Chinatown! and and and , I din know that such kuku place, there is actually such delicious food which is "Roasted Duck Noodle"!!! Haahas... It doesn't sounds convincing to me either because we walked into one kuku building which i don't know the name of the building just because they wanted to go ladies. I can tell you that almost 80% or even 90% of the shops are not opened and they have this paper written shop for rent or whateverso on it. Its like a ghost shopping mall. But somewhere near there there is a coffee shop and tada~ Roasted Duck Noodle.
Reason why we are there is to search for a shop and I think I don't want to elaborate more because the shop is not opened! But then I think the trip there is not wasted because there is so many handicraft shops there and both of them got to seesee & buybuy. But I'm only interested in the cross stitch and there is not much design.
BAck home and dessert cooked by mum. Its super delicious and no dinner because all these is already enough to gain alot fats!
I wondering when is my UT 04 grades going to be out. Just curious anyway I think and hope it does not matter or affect much.
and when can i get to eat black pepper crab cooked by you again? how i wished you dont have that much night shift..... roar~
mabel just scribbled
Friday, January 30, 2009 @ 5:44 PM
Random Pictures
I was merely just searching for one picture in my handphone while I realise I had too much picture inside. So posting some random picture over the CNY season.

How can we have CNY without Lion Dance and etc? But although I don't really like pink color, I'm in love with the pink lion dance troupe that I saw at People's Park this afternoon.

On the way to Chinatown on the eve of CNY.

One of the temple there.
love sushi~
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 6:05 PM
I'm here to wish everyone
happy chinese new year... ^_^
Although not going to 拜年, but still been busy helping out. Starting from
Saturdae been running about with my mum buying this and that... its only a small family gathering but she confirm make sure that everything is 满满的!Especially the wet markets would be opened till morning, lots of people loves to do last minute shoppings to get their goods and foods! Mum remember I want my jelly so we went to CWP but then too bad they have already moved. But still our trip is not wasted because my mum managed to get a top for herself and also one for my uncle. Now my house is full of cny goodies and not forgetting the drinks that i carried home.
Sundae, here comes the dinner (Steamboat) but where is my 大姐???My mum did invite stan the FOC helper but he got to work night shift and the other dae got to go back jb. I din know she would really invite. Also I thought my mum inviting ah liang--someone from her workplace once under her, but also not here. So whats after dinner was going to cow car water to 人挤人, its been a long time since we last went because every year its full of people from all over singapore. But then my mum knows i still miss my jelly so decide to go since uncle can drive us there and fro. But really i think I would not want to go anymore... Haahas although i got my jelly and also more ba gua... frankly speaking, the atmosphere is shiok although lots of people and you have to moved like snails.
but still i'm happy because i got my 2 great ang pao... and my daddy say he is going to gimme one but i doubt so because daddy chong is a liar and he is stuck in taiwan forever. Not wanting to laugh at him but its the fact...but nvm as usual i will just reply as yes i'm waiting.
cny is tv time because we are glued to the TV and not forgetting my phone that rings all dae long... thanks for all who send cny messages and those who replied. Fun fun fun all dae long... even that i forget my PS and i never go online.. I think even my mum think is weird that I did not turn on my laptop for the past few daes. But i am free todae so here i am, because my sis got to go school and my mum doing her own things at home. All of us is free, i am free, no school no work. Haahas... =)
mabel just scribbled
Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 11:58 PM
From left to right: yuxiang, me, zhangyuYes... finally its the last dae in RP. Just reformat my laptop so have not install adobe photoshop yet so what i can do is anyhow use what i have.
Last dae and one of the quiz question... and of course i choose all of the options. Its true right singaporeans are "kiasu", in terms of everything, Singlish, its the traits and Bo Chap which applies to i think not all.

Haahas.. alot thoughts on-going now... Happy that its our last dae but i guess we really will missed it!
mabel just scribbled
@ 1:42 AM
Fresh Shit

Fresh Shit ! Do you know in this world there are people drinking cow's urine and eating cow's shit? But all those are bring sort of process before eaten. I watched the channel U variety show and they showcase all this!!! Eee... its really gross and disgusting just like ____. Haahas =)
Also if you watch the show, the temple full of rats! thousands or even millions? Those people feed them and share food eaten by them. As in those food eaten by the rats they take and eat and believe that will cure any sickness. Eee... "kia kia" of those rats...
went back to school again to configure my laptop.. something is wrong which is no sound. But thanks to Shamus for helping although he is going for lunch but thats your job isn't it. Actually thats suppose to be done by me but still i dont know anything. Goodbye IT helpdesk, really dont wish to come back anymore!
Last dae of school ! Going to say goodbye to 63153...
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 2:09 AM
^_^ - - o_O
Ice Chocolate from Cafe Galilee definitely will be missed by us especially Yuxiang and me !!!
Another wonderful dae with my beloved scandals. We meet and went back to school for reformat-ing of our laptops but Xueying and Raymond last minute decide not to. But still meet up for lunch at Seoul Garden although we didn't watch any movie. So the 5 of us plus one of Rebecca's friend had our lunch there, with our student card and perhaps thats the last time. Ah hahas... i guess going to say good bye to student price but anyway dont use it most of the time.

Shopped around and bought something for ZhangYu although its only a small gift just hope she likes it. I know her since my year 1 in RP and she's going back china soon. Also something for my mum because that kuku thing on her phone don suits la.
Back to school to collect our laptop and till its 5plus. Happy that my laptop is in good condition now just that why isn't there sound coming out. My beloved mute laptop i just love you too much now because you are fast and CLEAN!!! 3 years in RP and I think the IT helpdesk did improve alot... Perhaps i wil miss IT helpdesk after my graduation or after our graduation.
Magic as usual but i just want to go off after Raymond's performance because i need to go jub to return uniform and blah~ So 感动 that my scandals also accompany me down to jub. After that spent some time in that kuku arcade there playing games. Remember! I'm the yellow car... broom broom... My 2th position and 4th position... at least not the last... shall go again when we are free with huimin so will be 6 of us occupying the space there. =)
Last night chatted with zong over msn and just, just now only had a chat with roy again. Thats the reason for our long long friendship because he is just so....I also dont know how to say... also i guess thats the reason for his long, long relationship with his gf because he is just so.... he was just telling me about how a fren that he knew wanted to take up somemore english course just because he wanted to be a writer. Somehow its a long story...
But then if its going to be really some story book then its sure going to be in perfect english, but if its not then so why so troubled by it. If someone scoring A or B for English subject don't have to go around speaking, writing or typing in excellent, perfect or superb english right. Anyway no one rule it that perfect english must be use in terms or speaking or writing letters or even blogging. Thats the same goes for... if someone is good at cooking, he/she dont have to boost about how delicious or how tastful the food he can cook. He/she can just prove it with actions... but also it might not be true. if he/she is rich, dont have to go to the extend of showing off how many great, extravagant or many many things that he/she has. because rich people dont do that... just be yourself. But if he/she mind is full or evil thoughts or intended motives, then no matter how you hide or what you do, its still the same.
so now my question is... when is roy coming back to singapore?
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 @ 11:58 PM
BEAUTY OF AntarcticaYes thats a beautiful picture.美丽的照片就是和美丽的你分享,而不是一些内心充满邪恶的人! Just like my dae todae! I dont know if xueying went school but yuxiang, raymond and me did not went !!!
nice dae sleeping and last night i slept and did not went to record the mysterious things. haiyo... i wonder if i can make it tonight...
well went for lunch with my mum and then to buy new year goods... at check point the sheng shiong supermarket... that kuku and nice and dono wat place... 大发现... the fishes are swimming, prawns are swimming too!!! Even all those weird seafood are live over there !!! most disgusting was the frog... TIAN JI!!! kua kua !!!
after that was crazy moments with my buddies... yeah!!! All the funny ideas and suggestions always came out of nowhere. Its always everlasting chats and remember our so call tea time... =) but pls blacky don bring a whitey for who knows later it becomes a gray-yyyy..
night time went to collect my ba kua... and here comes my yummy PORK!!! but fattening!!!

tml shall be out with my dearest scandals... meeting them in school for somethings u know something den for lunch and movies....=)
mabel just scribbled
Monday, January 19, 2009 @ 10:59 PM
its another dae

ahhh... i just love this pic so much. MY DREAM PLACE!!! Yes as i say is my dream place so i think only in my dreams will i go there.
I dont know why i'm in school todae either. But nvm UT is not the reason im in school todae! Todae should be a fresh new dae forgetting about what has happen and thanks him for making my day reminding me its a new dae. But still i think the unhappiness is still written all over my face huh... sorry if i ignore anyone but i think its still not the worst of all.
somethings cant be hide so i showed to yuxiang. and also roy and melvin after they asked and asked. its the first time that such things happen i think.. other than that tis kind of things is like out of my life. But what can i do? thanks for believing me.. although words are not say out but i know. but nvm i nv going to be bothered by all this..
tonight tonight!!! yes night mission on-going tonight. I going to get ready my recorder and make sure everything is quiet by at least 3.30am... something eerie... lets see what discoveries i have then i shall update to everyone. hope that thing will come out... o_O
mabel just scribbled
@ 1:06 AM

As promise, I upload my kitchen pic here. Tada~
Its spring cleaning time! and I've got alot things to pack and pack. Also helping my mum with the packing of the store room which was wow... because in the end its still full just that a bit more organize. Also main motive is to take out the blanket from there because my younger sis lost her beloved blacket. Its funny right when you heard someone missing her blanket but that was another story to it.
Was halfway through and tired so went surfing when i see something. Actually i got alot things to say about it which is to clear my name. Lots and lots of thoughts came into my mind... but now i think it does not matter already. Let is be ba... as long as i got my dear sis to believe me and thats enough. It doesnt matter anymore.
To make myself not think about all that i continue to pack more of my stuff and some things that i found.
yes this is when i was K2 ba... cant really rmb that i really wear that and take this ugly photo...

and my classmates
more and more of my K2 class but seriously got no impression of anything at all.

another pic of my family with mum the photographer perhaps...

another pic with my 2 dearest sis and my cousin...

and this is the DO RE ME

me and my dog shihtzu!!!

the following are all dishes cook by me during sec.sch for my practical test...
nice? pineapply rice...and my cookies!!!

and one chinese painting that does not looks like one!!!

my album which contains alot other barang barang and i found those neo prints~

some certificates...

and my wall-E stampes which is always sticking on my cupboard!!!

one more week and comes my holidae! but i feel as if its also holidae now...
still cant get that thing off my chest... -_-
mabel just scribbled