Saturday, January 31, 2009 @ 1:05 AM
Life is Great

I should stop my laziness and get up early. Woken up by mum and here we go for Mac Big Breakfast! I saw this dog by itself and everyone seems to be use to it that he/she is suppose to be there. Look kind of forlorn but still have that "Always look on the bright side of life" on the dog face. I want my dog !!!
I guess mum is addicted to shopping. Especially neighbourhood shopping at TPY and AMK is seriously missed by us because used to stay there long, long ago thus spending most weekend or even weekdaes there loitering when young. Not forgetting she spent a sum of money on "Heng Heng", she just would get whatever is in her mind and nothing can stops her. Even the intention of going VIVO but after that dono whats stopping her leg from going against her mind and heart. I guess we just don't wanna miss out favourite channel 8 dramas!
Still, went to Courts to search for a table because I wanted one to be placed in my room but could not find any that I like. Its either too big or the color is so kuku. Perhaps I should really go try IKEA although my friends comment was ___. ehhh -_-]
Todae suppose to meet Yuxiang & Rebecca at jub, but afterall it's a long story. In the end did not meet up with them and I got to go bank to clarify my cheque. After tat was going down to meet my mum and sis to Chinatown! and and and , I din know that such kuku place, there is actually such delicious food which is "Roasted Duck Noodle"!!! Haahas... It doesn't sounds convincing to me either because we walked into one kuku building which i don't know the name of the building just because they wanted to go ladies. I can tell you that almost 80% or even 90% of the shops are not opened and they have this paper written shop for rent or whateverso on it. Its like a ghost shopping mall. But somewhere near there there is a coffee shop and tada~ Roasted Duck Noodle.
Reason why we are there is to search for a shop and I think I don't want to elaborate more because the shop is not opened! But then I think the trip there is not wasted because there is so many handicraft shops there and both of them got to seesee & buybuy. But I'm only interested in the cross stitch and there is not much design.
BAck home and dessert cooked by mum. Its super delicious and no dinner because all these is already enough to gain alot fats!
I wondering when is my UT 04 grades going to be out. Just curious anyway I think and hope it does not matter or affect much.
and when can i get to eat black pepper crab cooked by you again? how i wished you dont have that much night shift..... roar~
mabel just scribbled