Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 11:06 PM

I got nth to say... supposing to be melaka trip but was indecisive. LAst decision was to go but give a missed on the wedding dinner becoz i'm not interested. In the end changed to trip on our own to somewhere else but then was canceled again.
Hook onto com once again over the weekend... spent my night out of my house on sat night and homed the whole of weekend. I just maple and maple... dont wanna think of anything else.
ppl coming to view flat in the dae time and now... but finally in the mid of discussing... and i'm super bored. got to moved house again... =[ watever la ok !
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 11:50 PM

My weekend is gone so fast, with nothing much done. But I enjoyed it though feeling sick having on and off fever.
sat went for a wedding dinner at msia. kind of fun.. although like super old fashion kind. ppl there are fun too. after that stayed over at msia for one night mahjonging and then sleeping eventually because im tired. I got so much to sae but i tink now too busy with LGAs and all and thus my memory seems full. Someone pls sponsor me a new memory card to insert in my brain.
this post suppose to be posted on mondae but then irealise it was still in my dashboard.
don wanna say anything now already.
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 4:03 AM
I'm late to upload these photos but I just do not have the time and lazy to do so.
So many things to do.. LGA, LGA and LGA for the past few daes and i'm glad LGA for this module is over!
So last Sun Mothers Dae! Suppose to go MS Yuki Yaki but mum nag this and that.. so end up eating ZiChar. But not bad i still love my Kang Kong and Cereal Prawn... too bad no stingRaY!!!

From the look of the food all are delicious, but disappointed with the cake from Bengawan. All the while been buying from Bengawan but this time round its BAD Quality !!! I dont know if they Tou Gong Jian Liao, the cake only leaves the fridge for a while and water like starts to drip here and there. The cake too was also not nicely bake... some parts too soggy and some parts you can feel the crust which wasnt suppose to be inside the cake.
weekdae again and its LGA again... been doing one each for 3 straight daes. I prefer typing then writing, my hand aches! Finally its Fridae so just lets look forward to the nice weekends and forget the unhappie moments. Dont care abt WITCH!!!
Also happie 18th Bdae to ShuXian/Phang neh neh!!! =)
mabel just scribbled
Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 10:56 PM
yippee ya ya yippee yippee yah!
My Oral Assessment todae and yeah I PASSED !!!
nervous as I did not know what to prepare... was rather shock when Patsy msg and say there's 2 role play instead of 1. time given was like too rush and perhaps I was too nervous so for me I think there is not enough time.
throughout the whole role play.. trainer pattern was rather g@Y... =X opps... Haahas
hmmm was happie about the comments he gave... of course positive comments and also he was able to clarify my doubts because he been asking any other qns???
roar... nv receive any email form tmis but shuxiang did msg to tell me about the change in time table... why change???
anw I guess we all just have to jiayou all the way!!!
mabel just scribbled
@ 11:34 AM

I'm going to have my Oral Assessment for Appraise and Evaluate Staff later on at 2.30pm. A little nervous now because that would determine if I get a Competence or Not Yet Competence. But I also dont know what am I suppose to prepare I just read through the example and also the notes I taken down.
Despite all my rumblings ytd about this and that, why not spent my time on other things instead.
suddenly thought of B.H.Tan the man in my class who say he is an eagle, for he love to do things on his own. Independence enough for him. Well agreed that 1 is always better than a group.. but but but he mention that 2 is always better than 1. I still loves to do things on my own then... I loves to go here and there on my own. Do things on my own... why let others opinion affect my thinking. Anyway there is 2 ears stuck on my head... tell me a secret or comment it goes through my right ear and out from my left ear.
So be it whats going to happen I just hope to listen... and thats it.
mabel just scribbled
@ 12:09 AM

I hate the kind of life I have now. Why cant I just stay put in one place, peaceful and nice place?
why are my f***ing neighbours so noisy? are they simply f***ing retard. retard mother and retard father that gives birth to retard son and 2 retard daughters.
where has my lovely blk 437 gone? corner and spacious where no one disturbs...
why do i have to keep moving and moving and whose fault should i blame this to?
why did that idiot china lady have to make such comments? Is she bloody hell too bored or she hopes her mouth rots?
Where has all the kind souls gone?
why most Singaporeans are so RUDE and UNGRACIOUS!
I rmb it was rainy day and ppl simply care about themselves.
blocking the way!!
when the train comes lei? DASH right in.
why ppl especially those in office wear have a heart make of gold?
notice this most of the time and once they found a seat they pretend to be asleep.
They are usually those that when the bus come, chiong to the door and get up first!
and why am i grumbling like an old granny, when i knows this is not going to change anything!
mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 @ 3:33 PM
speechless... sorry that i cant help
in the first place u din even want help urself... seeing this scenario seems to be seeing my own shadows. playing like an old tape the same scene. '
again and again... never ends.
mabel just scribbled
Monday, May 4, 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Mothers dae is coming... and I have already decorate on the portion of mine on the card.
SUNDAEmet up with ah fa, zhi and mag at tamp. suppose to meet 2pm and who knows all were late including me. But I was like late for 5 mins and mag and zhi reach at 3.30!!! We haven meet up for a long time but jody and thomas was missing! Aimlessly walking like zombie while sharing and updating each other with our current status. Especially ahfa seems so interested in whats everyone doing that he repeately ask and ask. Then movie "The international" at GV, boring movie I can sae because Im not interested at all but i already watch 17Again, Xmen and also fridae the 13th so theres no other movie.
Well, quite curious at why people loves to buy nachos for movie. So my first time buying nachos for movie and its also going to be the last time. The first few bites are okay because the cheese is still warm but even be4 the movie starts during the commercial part, the cheese starts to turn cold and even cold and it taste yucky then. So conclusion, popcorn is still the best!
After movie slack at starbucks for some drink and chitchatting because we are just too full for dinner. Lots of funny discussion... even prank call thomas and all of us taking turn to speak to him but he still cluelessly dont know who we are.. Lousy!

shy zhi just dont wanna take any photos... but ah fa so enthu to take and take.
Why the sky is blue?
seriously i nv notice...if life is going to be tough, end it? like what I say, im not going to speak or counsel him not doing it. just know your limits is enough... well I nv know such dark secrets going in there. but as a fren i also cant just sit down there doing nth, pls tell me what to do? I dont wan my fren to be hurt, i wan everyone to live their life the way they want. This is probably going to be one tough deep thoughts in my mind. Im sad that I cant do anything seeing my fren suffer... what to do?='(

my RC finally gain 50 points.... hee Im just so addicted to playing games from fb and also my maple!

snow white 7 dwarft having our 1st assessment todae... and I passed my assessment!!!
was rather nervous then because i been opening up my leaner guide but I just dont know what I should study on then. I went in the room writing my name on so many doc... and he just keep asking if i have any questions to ask. After that was just one qns on what will i do or how would i handle a staff who is not doing someting he is suppose to do?
I gave my analysis on a manager because our course is mainly more of managerial roles but also briefly describe on collegue part. and then he just sign competence and shake my hand... !!! ^_^Overall I am just so happie forgetting the part that morning the train was delayed and blisters on my legs because i wore new shoes. If Im going to wear my old covered shoes my toe nails are going to be sad, my new shoes are just perfect then coz they are going to protect my fragile nails but blisters to look for me then. argh ~
Anw thanks for all, thanks my snow white and 7dwarft and also frens for wishing me good luck on my first assessment. appreciated it so much... love u all.. wheee~
just now went hunting for my book while acc kotkotmee to town... finally found one of it which I wanted but another one is still searching in progress... worst thing is I din even know the title nor write so how am i going to look for it. but then nvm i got one book to acc me which i borrowed from lib just now.
one dae has gone.. this week going to be relax.. and to prepare for the coming weeks!
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 12:02 AM
Some random picture again because someone complains tt my last post was wordy...
also busy this few daes that i rather sleep than update~
been wanting to change a skin for my blog... but i got no time either.

getting down to deco a card for dear mummy on this mothers dae with kotkotmee... and left me and little sis to write something but i dont know what shall i write?

So how much do you still rmb? not to hao lian but I can recite it... I guess its due to doing it for so many years but it never been erase off from my mind.

that kuku person that did this...

really been busy from the start of my 2nd module "Manage Visitor Services".
got to do reports or proposal and really got to crack my brain to get it done.
also some unhappy incidents that happen at the start of the week, because suppose all my slots are finish and then last min someone canceled someting which leads me to PO.
well but thats all over.
everydae after 4hrs of sch im always so tired... wanting to take a nap.
but when nights fall im always so active to game till 2-3 plus but i guess i improve rather than sleeping at4-5.
worst still for this week got to do LGA 01 - 03 almost like everydae homework and its a super tideous homework. so afraid that i might failed my assessment be it written or oral.
wish and hope all my 7 dwarfs put in their best effort and pass all assessment one by one smoothly and steadily. not forgetting snow white and the rest of class member too!
and to mention its really like they got no respect for the trainer?
to be late for all lessons... or are they thinking that lesson start at 9.30 rather than 9?
thurs last dae for module was like wah at last i can take a break... no kit kat then.
although there is still LGA 03 to be complete and submitted but due date was sat night.
So i went movie... xmen.
not bad i can sae but most ppl would say its great. because i seldom watch action movie.
thought that everything would be much more fine and i dread for a sleep
but nightmare comes when my wireless thing pissed me off on thurs
then i tink i learn someting new for the whole of 1 hr on phone with starhub staff helping me to solve my pros.
staff name elle... and for that moment change my opinion i had on them coz previously had a super bad impression for I tried calling weeks before that its like I wonder if all of them are snaking. And when I emailed to them there wasnt any replied until i spam another email and the reply was like a few daes after and they even say due to alot of mail, reply was late.
for a sudden speechless when for the past few daes i have got so much to say. really need more time on my own for doing my own stuffs and one of them is to maple. also outing with them on sun which i still wondered...
mabel just scribbled