La mia vita
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ 3:01 PM
I spell the word BORED! BAck to post something because i'm bored and there is nothing for me to do. Maple is still down and ROAR~ Changed my number and mass sent to all my new number the other dae. Some frens who I've not contact for a long time, as in their contact number are still in my contact list. I'm rather surprise that me myself and I have not deleted their number and also they have not changed their number too! Gald but at the same time memories flow back~ hmmm... Haahas. Sis called the other dae regarding some impt things and then talked about some stuffs. Not really scolded by her, but just cried when she ask why haven you wake up? Am i really too stupide to even see the truth of all this or am i just pretending that the truth isnt what I see. I really don't... sometimes things can get so complicated or it is not a matter of who is right or wrong or is how you see it. sign* no holidae ... sad mabel just scribbled