La mia vita
Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 12:33 AM
VERY RANDOM- once in a while It's Thursdae and glad that Oral for DIBS is over, but it also means it's going to be the start of another new module. But not to think too far first but to enjoy what lies ahead for me! Anw kind of amusing when I entered the oral room and saw miss norintan trying to 消毒 on the pen. Oral was pretty fast becoz I thought it's going to be long for I had some confusion with the qns done for the written but it turn out to be fine. Only been frustrated with my LG secret for it's been bad to worst. trying hard to msg and I need lots of time to get one msg type out becoz the buttons are roar~ sux to the max! less than a year and it's giving me trouble. worst to come LG arena was only with me than less than 2 daes and at that time busy with house moving did not bothered much with it. The batt was gone for less than 12 hours about 8 hours in standby mode. Already sent it to LG there for servicing for not back yet and i'm waiting. After oral headed down to wm for my popcorns. mr.tkp wanted me to go down for once again it's going to be his last dae again. So I had one big box of popcorn but now it's like half gone... and i'm not the one eating it for I had only munch on a few piece!!! then after that to bangkit-marsiling-admiralty for some matters with mum. *** OMG I saw a big cockroach! ***dono where it gone now*** well... back home and then off to sheng shiong for shopping of household items. mr.tkp came to help too. Sheng shiong items are super cheap... bought lots of items that 3 of us cant even carry and got to cab home. Then dinner at nearby coffee shop... the food~ well taste nice though first time trying since just moved over here. now a little time for me since im not following uncle's lorry for the night. lots of random pics. ![]() waiting for my arena still... when is LG going to complete checking. ![]() I super hate pink color... but this cake is ok ok la. ![]() ![]() cakes, cakes and cakes! ![]() funnie germaine... ![]() woots... big watermelon for the dae and for the week as well... ![]() crazy sis in the box... house moving madness syndrome ![]() My popcorns.. i loved! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() from my twitter: mabelBER I say what I mean... and mean what I say! I'm determined to show what I mean unlike people who say and don't mean what they say. if you get it, then get it. If you don't, forget it! lots of things happened. but for the time being... lets sit back and enjoy the show. mabel just scribbled
Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 12:11 AM
L-I-F-E Had WA for DIBS todae. The whole of todae simply sux and I dont wish to mention anymore. Just to say it's really pantang that I woke up early for the rest of the dae and LATE for my WA. AND... I hate office people especially OL! - Office Ladies. DOn't they have that bit of gracious-ness and courteousy when it comes to taking public transport? It's such a disgrace! Having Oral for DIBS tml... hope and pray everything would be fine tml. for me and for bro! After that magic show on fri... Max performance kind of have an impact on me. Are we truly alive or are we waiting to die? If my life were to be an movie, what movie would it be? Or what kind of movie would I want my life to be? If I were to give myself a dateline for completing what I have to complete, what would the exact date be? Between being alive and dead is only just a line... and its really all about time. Had a chat with ah fa last night... my listening ear. Still at times when we discuss on topics, there really seems to be no logic for some happenings. After that still late night before I sleep, had a chat with tkp while me to be the listening ear listening to him. Really indeed life is a big question mark, if given a choice, would you blow off the candle? lots of things and lots of things to be done. time is little... its does not stop. had to run here and there... getting tired. Finally had the chance to watch a movie - the last house on the left. Was kind of happie till the first 3 mins of the show I then realise I already watch the movie! On funshion! Because in funshion its in chinese words and I really did not notice. So got no choice since the ticket already been paid and also on funshion, I did not complete the movie due to too er xin. *sigh* really looking forward for a holidae to overseas. Perhaps I should have been a good girl agreeing to study in aus rather than now in the middle of nowhere. motive-less moving ahead... mabel just scribbled
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 12:51 AM
long and long I thought that I would not be going for the magic show, supposing to be working. Last minute not working and then yuxiang got extra tickets for me becoz her friend is not going. OMG... Alex Tan shook my hands. l0l it would be better if it was Max Ling. Hope in the years to come RP Magic IG will continue to have The Grand MAgic show and strive for a better future. Sitting back in TRCC again... thinking time flies. It's like a movie playing... Past few days been so busy... moving house and LGAs driving me crazy. Before that working CTC job...but was having gastric flu or watever with the contamination of the food coloring they used. Glad now it's fine..Only worked for 1 and a half days and got to rest because I really cannot take it. Then moving house... lots of things to do. Sad about it because I lost something thru the process. Uncle got 4 china ppl to help us move... lots of trips here and there because the lorry is small. And also everything seems a little too rush. Not enough time to really pack everything. Been runningto and fro and till now some of my belongings are still over there. And some even lost somewhere somehow i dont know how it happen...just lost.! REally got nth to say now... one by one. history repeating itself. trying to adpat to the new surroundings. A more plesant environment.. nearer to farm plus qian hu all that. and stupide kuku happenings for the first day going to school by train and that takes me 1 and a half hour. and second day by bus for 1 hr and 7 mins plus. kuku happenings forgettting to bring my ez link card.Although teacher been on mc for 3 days... but LGAs are still a must to be done and handed up. Been doing it in the middle of the night till morning.. thats the time where I will get to work and chiong for completion. never ending LGA... till then finally got the little time to visit farm.. I saw the parrot that hallo hallo all day long. know the term of honey and dancing. Dance when upon we saying dance dance. Saw the lang gou.. the eyes... the birds that par tor and the bird and the dog who gets well together. Also though is busy.. manage to catch Jack neo's new movie where got ghost... and also G.I Joe Rise of Cobra. till now my puzzle and corss stitch is still over at old house. going to get them back tml hopefully. and now 7th month.. good luk to ppl who sux. mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 9:37 PM
LOVED<3 On 9th Aug night went over to Adam's Road there for Mutton Soup. It's really delicious and been craving for it since long long ago. And finally, I got the chance to have one bowl to myself without bread just plainly the soup itself. It's really much more than what I expected and really recommend it to anyone who loves mutton soup. Furthermore got lots of chunks of mutton inside unlike other stall and also it's easy to chew. Other than that ordered the mifen-goreng which is nice too again with mutton inside. While waiting for our satay which is mutton also, ordered prata to share too but it was not as nice as even neighborhood stall. Too bad after waiting like 30 mins from the start of my mutton soup, the satay still did not arrived and we eventually run off - noticing that despite our table and the other table who ordered first, others who ordered later than us gets their satay first. Some kind of unfairness going on because... That night after the NDP on TV, lots of programme such as the Singapore Idol and the Chinese Chang Xia Qu. Really had a great laugh seeing all those contestants. 10 Aug went down to AMK. Bought lots of things... sight-seeing. and blah blah blah... A post which should already been publish but been so long updating till I'm lazy. Yeah... getting lazy. Going to do my LGA now... tata~ mabel just scribbled
Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 11:41 PM
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 11:13 PM
The Pledge Check this out! ![]() For those who don't know, this is a screen shot from mapleStory. As you can see, it shows there a GMA mega-ing a PLEDGE! It's really funnie and he is an entertainer man! Singtel send a sms to remind us about National DAe and 8.22pm, the pledge! I guess other service provider also did send such as Starhub and I'm not sure if M1 do, but i tink yes. Pledge Moment for all S’poreans to say pledge on Aug 9 at 8:22pmSo tml 8.22pm, will you put your hand across your chest and say your pledge??? Have you all read or watch the news? if not let me show you... (extracted from Yahoo News) Two students killed after being knocked down by trainSINGAPORE: A young couple died after they were knocked down by a train at the KTM railway track near Upper Bukit Timah Road early Saturday morning. 19—year—old Goh Sheng Yao and 20—year—old Lee Jing Yu, both Republic Polytechnic students, were pronounced dead by paramedics at the scene at about 6.00am. It is believed that the train driver had signalled to both of them to move away from the track, but they failed to do so. The train was heading towards Malaysia and was not carrying any passengers at the time of the accident. Train services were disrupted for nearly two hours before resuming at around 7.40am. Police have classified the case as unnatural death and investigations are underway. Witnesses with information on the case can contact the police at 1800—255—0000.The news is like OMG! Around 35 more mins would be SINGAPORE 44th BDAE! HAPPIE BDAE SINGAPORE!!!! mabel just scribbled
@ 4:43 AM
LEFT WITH NO CHOICE ![]() 一千个,一万个不愿意,但我始终找不到更好的办法 I guess I really can't think of anything better. It seems like road is still long yet I can't think of any better solution. EVerytime and everytime it seems like no problem trying to resolve something that I dont wish to but this time round why cant there be other paths awaiting for me. At times wont you realize when you do not need help from others yet there are lots of people willing and Q-ing up to lend you a helping hand. and also at times when you need help from people yet you don't know who are available to help you. I rmb my teacher use to tell me no matter what, never ever give up because you might not know what other opportunities are waiting for you although most of the times you have to seek them yourself. I would then tell her I can't, she would den continue to say you can do it. Just tell youself you can and believe in yourself, the man up there would see your effort. And thus I really did try my best in everything although at times hearing what others said might be discouraging. Or perhaps new environment might be a new start? It sounds very deceiving to me. "Human beings are like documents copies from fax machine, when you die there is always another one to replace you" How true it is? mabel just scribbled
Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 9:12 PM
GOGOGO I passed my CSA with a C. I guess it dont really come by just by luck and praying. Learn from Uncle Tan to challenge her... and really indeed at times I find that she is contradicting to what she has say. I try my very best to speak more than her and ask her till she cant ans.Want me to elaborate? I shall do this some other time... time for relax and also thinking of how to go about writing complain letter about her. Although its C, but still the process of it is really tiring from the start of this... LGAs... @#$%^& and all those redo, redo and redo. ANW jiayou for the best... after weekend she should be moremoremore lenient. mabel just scribbled
@ 4:31 PM
Defination of Love Defination of Love -- what is love ? --Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught withinyour chest?? -it isn`t love, it`s like. You can`t keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right?? -it isn`t love, it`s lust. Are you proud, and eager to show them off? - it isn`t love, it`s pride. Do you want them because you know they`re there?? -it isn`t love, it`s loneliness. Are you there because it`s what everyone wants?? -it isn`t love, it`s loyalty. Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand?? -it isn`t love, it`s low confidence. Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don`t want to hurtthem?? -it isn`t love, it`s pity. Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?? -it isn`t love, it`s infatuation. Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?? -it isn`t love, it`s friendship. Do you tell them every day that they are the only one you think of?? -it isn`t love, it`s a lie. Are you willing to give all of your favorite things for their sake?? -it isn`t love, it`s charity. So what is L o v e ? Does your heart ache and break when they`re sad?? -then it`s l o v e. Do you cry for their pain, even when they`re strong?? -then it`s l o v e. Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?? -then it`s l o v e. Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain andrelation pulls you close and holds you there?? -then it`s l o v e. Do you accept their faults because they`re a part of who they are?? -then it`s l o v e. Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret?? -then it`s l o v e. Would you give them your heart, your life, your death?? 问时间情为何物,只叫人生死相许 mabel just scribbled
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 12:15 PM
STICKY OMG you really got to look at this. My sis show me this website saying that her fren is doing a project on this. So I visited it again! The previous night also got to visit this website but I just thought it's fabulous la with all the cute candies with name's or words written in it. Todae, I viewed the video as shown and it's pretty amazing. I had an idea of how it is done but it''s just so unbelievable. You can visit their website at! mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 5:58 PM
![]() SAw this from FB... so in my class??? mabel just scribbled
@ 12:53 AM
I LOVE THIS mabel just scribbled
Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 9:10 PM
TY Thanks for all blessing. I'm down with MDP... Wish the rest all the best in ur MDP oral and also the coming CSA Oral Assessment. Jiayou and all of us can do it. I think it wont be worst than legal right so all of us sure can get Competence! mabel just scribbled
@ 9:04 PM
SOMETHING TO SHARE Thought for the day...Happy weekend reading Must read While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father.....with pained eyes, he asked, 'Dad, when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions.... sitting in front of that car, he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'... The next day that man committed suicide. Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life... Things are to be used and people are to be loved, But the problem in today's world is that, People are used and things are loved... Let's be careful to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be used, but People are to be loved ... Be yourself... This is the only day we HAVE. Have a nice day. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits they become character; Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.. A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates: Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. >>>>>>
keep scrolling down there's more.....
PLEASE NOTE: To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street. The first floor has wives that love sex. The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited mabel just scribbled
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 10:55 AM
RELAXxxx ![]() LA, LGA, WA everything and everything has been over, now left CSA oral on next Thursday. Yesterday had my MDP oral and everything was fine just that I think I'm not well-prepared. I had the answers in my mind but somehow feel that it would be easier to write it down rather than say it out. Due to previously doing too much LGAs for CSA and lots of words to type here and there. Before my turn was Joanna's and we were late for her turn and we got to rush. phew~ glad everything is fine and gratz to all who passed! For the rest of you got to jyjy on your next MDP oral - how you would schedule a programme? =X YEster morning I wrote in twitter that I vomit blood... L0L... not really the blood came out la just a terms for saying 吐血。 Joanne and me vomit blood early in the morning!!! ANW I think it's pointless to mention it or broadcast it to the whole world of what has happen so just don talk about it. My mummy told me to use the term makes my blood boils rather than vomit blood... So lets all just don make our blood boil la. Put more ice, make it cool! Haiz... a month full of unhappiness. and thats only how each individual see things. xz also gets into some trouble..situation worst than me.. we better die off. Haahas just joking la... Anyway been having lots of dream nowadays and when we dream, we are not sleeping at all. So if I'm having lots of dreams how am I going to get enough hours of sleep per day. Well, one of it dreaming about my co instructor asking me to play erhu all this funnie kind of dream. It's been a long time since I played I think i'm missing it. and blah blah... Perhaps i should go buy one and play on my own. So lets just say good bye to July and welcome August! * CLAPS* and I think i am enjoying it already so don't disturb me! I've been hook on to FB game Fish a Fish and its fun. I played almost the whole dae along with my maple of couse. It's been long time since I lvl up and been stuck for very long and wasting my cash. I got to play and play before I gets busy for house moving issue. So many things to be done but just nelecting it. Study Hard, Play Hard, Work Hard. mabel just scribbled