Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 11:05 PM

What do you see yourself let say 5 years down the road?
Sort of similar questions posted to me during one of the interviews! Some other questions such as...
Are you passionate? Define!
Is like you are interviewing for 2 position that are of big gaps, so what you really want out of it?
It's not an easy job here, no stock-taking, no inventory and most impt you deal with all kind of customer here. So how and what will you do let's say take for instance it is a rainy dae now and there is frustrating customer here wanting to go outdoor?
It's not about just getting the pay and there is not much work to be done here but you really have to be able to cope with their frustrations.
I can see you make a big change from engineering to tourism so whats the reason behind it?
If I were to call your friends and ask them about you, what positive comments do you think they will give?
and what about your teachers or facilitators?
In what areas have they told you that you need to improve on?
We have all sorts of people here, some for attachment from overseas which gets very very little amount, one on volunteer not getting paid at all.
Also alot of people is interviewing for this position.
So how do you feel if you about it?
any questions?
any questions?
any questions?
I'm so like argh from all this, although it's only 2 interview. I wont want to comment on which and which, it's pointless. and wondering if I shall go for the other interview on mondae, perhaps just give it a try like what others said.
Fridae 13th interview was at butterfy park. Uncle Tan was kind to take the train with me to harbourfront centre although I don't know why he wanted to go there. Oh ya, he went to Daiso and not forgetting he had a conversation with some chicago ladies while on the way out of the station towards vivo. Both of us curious of what language they were speaking and he eventually step ahead to speak to them.
Well, first time up on the monorail. I seldom go to sentosa and last visit was apr 15 2006. Hmmm I can rmb the last visit and the person who I went with! Anyway the journey was a kuku one... for I was sure it was Imbiah station yet when the door opened at that station, everyone just dash in and I dont even got a chance to get out. I saw the staff hand directing to get in quickly and I suppose it was an extra stop? In the end when the door close and proceed off to the next station, it announced Beach Station and I knew I missed my stop.
Since I'm there, had a look around. Not much changes and I start to rmb few years back when I visited! So some pictures took there in the butterfly park.

This merlion reminds me of the discussion with vincent about what should we name the 2 giant pandas coming to singapore from china. He got lots o funnie ideas and in the end I suggest it should be si si chen chen since singapore is a 师城。 --> I'm not sure if it's the correct word. In the end his funnie idea turn out to be 死死 沉沉。l0l.
Todae another interview at e2i and I again woke up early. Not knowing how long does it takes to travel from petir to redhill. and wondering early morning if I should wear formal or just anyhow. Till now... I'm wondering and wondering. Mondae another interview.. shall see again.
I'm tired now!
You taught me to be strong, and yes I did it even to the extend that you could never think of. Now what I'm witness-ing, just looks like a stage drama to me. Yes, we are all the actors and actressess but it was you staging the show. Just tell me how did you make me to believe you from he start, jc.
mabel just scribbled