Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 12:28 AM

I love it, everything!
It has become a habit that I need the help, care and concern. Indeed as time past, I realize not that everything can be done alone. I use to believe that I don't really need accompany from people to help me in life such as things which need to be accomplish can be done within myself. Now I appreciate the care and concern from people, my dear frens. It has become a habit, a daily routine, and something which seems to be part of my life. I just love when I know when I'm going and whose there for me.
anw my second interview on fridae, hmmm. No comments but was kind of surprise. &_&
but still what you want might not always be according to plan, so why think so much right?
thinking much only give the opportunity for gray hair to come out.
going to watch dalang dalang... =)
mabel just scribbled