Thursday, March 25, 2010 @ 12:08 AM
compliment and complain?
It's easier to get a complain than a compliment!
People tend to complain when they receive a bad service but not give compliment when they receive good service. This is not just my own individual perception but a statement which is agreed by the international worldwide professionals!
So, I really wondered why is it so that there is a compliment given to someone when the fact that everything from the email sounds so fake.
I thought it is only my own perception and thus keep it to myself, but is not. It is also agreed by huda when we came to talked about it. She too thinks that it cant be so nice, to have someone writing in to compliment on someone's good service. Well, it is stated in the mail that that someone was sensitive to the guest and cater to the needs of the guest. How do you measure it? Furthermore in the mail very little details was given and it just sounds and look so fake. Moreover so, the person which we knew, although we were not so close with her, we know that she does not seems like that kind of person which will approach guest. What we saw, we never judge a book by its cover, but we saw it with our own eyes was that she is just a person who will just stand there see see look look with her that seducing eyes and not serve the guest. Hmmm... a big question mark how the compliment letter came about. ?
But im quite surprise, that huda and me shared the same ideology.
mabel just scribbled
Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Had chat with childhood fren. I know, he knows. =)
mabel just scribbled
Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 8:11 AM
I miss Janet! Haahas she has been to festive there doing night shift and I miss whenever i go buy things she is there. I realize now when I say I miss someone I seriously missed, even if it is just a working colleague which we have not seen for days.
Darran is going for holidaes, not now but soon. so nice of him to ask what I want! Wenyi say dono what gao sai is nice. I really thought is dog shit la! In the end is just normal ba hu.
HAahas nothing much to comment about.
But I'm going to start a new show again. =P secret!
mabel just scribbled
Friday, March 19, 2010 @ 10:07 PM

A nice dae for me to visit Honey and also baking cupcakes!
Honey finally dance and says hallo once again. I guess health has been deteriorating for her and age is catching up. So lets appreciate our life, our friends and family and live life to the fullest for each dae!
It has always been a problem to me, just that I'm trying to hide from it. Until when darran called me and asked who I'm with. I'm speechless, I don't know what to say. All of a sudden I felt as if a fishball was stuck down there deep in my throat. I thought for a while but still no answer given. But I'm only good at replying in words, not verbally. It's so awkward especially mum is also there with me. So I just kept mum at that point of time. But still I try to hide...
I felt I got no use. I dont know how to give comfort to a good fren of mine who is in pain, both physically and mentally. Flashes of him in pain just went flashing through my brain constantly. Hope he would be fine, I would be praying for him.
*Since I made up the decision, I guess there is nothing more to take into consideration!
mabel just scribbled
@ 5:03 PM

mabel just scribbled
@ 4:54 PM
mabel just scribbled
Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Todae opening of USS to the public!
Woohoo! working from 10 to 7.30 and Im tired. Due to last night having nightmares and then waking up with a sharp headache. Thinking that I might not be able to work but told myself I will be fine. I'm just too in into my nightmare, a long and scary and eerie one!
Yesterdae the 17th still went LUGE with my dearest Huda, Caroline and MiaoHui. Had lots of fun.
I love our sharing session=)
Todae a worst yet loving dae for me again. Woke up early not able to find this and that. Especially my slippers are missing. The one which I normally wear to work.
At the end of my dae, it ended off with nice fireworks. They were so near me that we teared!
The tear of brightness and joy! with caroline and marjorie! It would have been more fun with huda around with us. But she is enjoying her dae too with her dear bf!
A little too many things to say and nag about. I bought a polo tee from USS and also some post cards. Starting to spend money again... but its alright I guess. Once in a while to indulge in some things that I like and of course yummy churros! DId I spelled it correctly? ? ?
Currently feeling super tired for I stand the whole of the 1 hour journey trip back home.
But I'm still as usual waiting for some calls. I needed some talk with some really good frens before I end my dae off to dreamland.. and I'm waiting =)
mabel just scribbled
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 9:49 PM
Nothing can describe my feelings, only me myself and I knows.
Perhaps huda knows it too. We are feeling the same way.

mabel just scribbled