Wednesday, July 9, 2008 @ 10:57 PM

ryan, me and xueying... where are the rest of scandals? miss you all!!!

some scribblings by me and flora during fyp...

don tink its the same picture ok.. look carefully... its different!!!
xueying says i long time no blog... because been busy and also sometimes has lots of things to say and in the end mind just become blank.
That dae Tuesday was at sb training, ty muimui for teaching. But somehow i think i still be able to understand but maybe will still blur blur de lor. I wonder why stock count is necessary everyday some more in the morning and night.
Its Wednesday again and back to school again for fyp, felt that everyone seems to be chiong-ing for their fyp but i am way slacking.
For 2 straight in a row day, been irritated by people. I never felt that way before but recently been very reactive to what other people says. And of course yes it is really a terrible feeling to pretend that i never heard anything. But what can i do? The moment i hear i just pretend and walk away to stop my ears from suffering. I have the sudden move to tell everyone the truth but then it seems unbelievable, also she might be hurt. But nvm i think i just have to leave it as what it is now. Let them talk what they want, but perhaps i will just feel more and more.
Today been irritated by another person. I think somehow really pissed off by it. Ty xueying and some others who also knew it and listen to it. But seriously hope that person shuts up and stop pestering me telling me this and that. Coz i am not interested to know!
I been thinking of that doggie i saw the other day when i am on my way to work. It was following me and its head actually bump into my leg quite hard. I don't know its a girl or boy but i know it is trying to attract my attention and that reminds me of my dog. But that is still a small little stray dog and not those kind of LANG GOU. I think someone else might have abandon it. Always thinking back of my dog makes me moody.
Recently hp been having alot problems also been wanting to change a new hp. I saw this nice phone on a website nokia N96. Its so nice! YI JIAN ZHONG QING. But currently still not in sg i think. But i guess it would be damn ex.
Somehow don't know why everyone seems to be feeling moody. I am not gd at AN WEI people de.
Lets just wish one of the day scandals can go cruise tgt. yeah~
mabel just scribbled