Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Early morning i start out as a gardener and its totally damn shit. Actually heard a loud crash outside my window and i thought which neighbor bang into the cupboard or perhaps something drop. Also suspecting their stupid bicycle crash into our things such as plants and indeed real la. My sister went out first and she shouted for me and i found that my mother's pot of plant falls to the ground with soil everywhere in the middle of the passage way. But the picture only shows the soil and not how the rack and pot is before i pick it up.
I was damn pissed off as i remember its not the first time that this happen also there is no reason that our plants block their way. The place is big and wide enough. So moody because its school early in the morning and also this few days like so fan le then go confront the china people living beside us. Why i know is the person living beside me is because after the incident happen i saw shadows and bicycle sound moving there and then the sound of chain and locks opening the gate.
The most irritating part i went to knock and shout for them but their door are open only gate lock. A lady came out and i confront her and she was like keep on diam diam don't want to talk. Then i continue scolding then she mumble say is her fren and thats what me and my sister heard. So i thought her fren is changing or bathing coz her fren never came out so i quickly go clear the mess. I was like panicking here and there looking for broom and the "dust pander" and by the time i clear the mess was like over the time that i use to leave my house. I was like wth then went over to ask her friend come out. Then she was like continue standing there looking at me then after a while confess that is she did one. I say her for denying it and then she finally say sorry but in a BU SHUANG manner.

After thinking back, i also laugh at my own act in the morning. I think i am just a sudden moment of anger and also moody. But i think still reasonable at least i no use vulgar language and i just want to clarify it and make it known to her that don't think no one knows lor.
Then was in school for warehousing module and its the boon software again. I don't really know how to do although i read the manual and try in my fyp before on my own. Then my team...zzz. _|_ see i learn this from zhi yet he say i bad gal and ask where i learn it from. Well although i seek help from flora but then still could not complete it.
Seriously its like the same thing happening again. People are late and i wonder will they be late for their future work or will they be late for their wedding or when they going for ROM? Its just so funny when i sit down there seeing them coming late and then somemore no initiative to ask whats going on. And i think its like always same routine no one will ask or initiate fmt unless i do so i just simply write the whole chunk of what we need to find out at the board. Thats why i only like to team with jieyi coz i know she will take care of everything.
Last week only attend 1 day of lesson coz was not motivated to go also. Felt so sucky! And then saw this, kind of motivated. AHHH...

After school went for fyp a while and then meet up with xueying. Initially meeting my sister to go buy my format pants and shoes then Xueying decide to go along with me and also last minute my sis not coming with us. We went to shop at sun plaza and manage to buy both my pants and shoes. Just for once fyp presentation i spent so much... plus paying my hp bills plus wifi bills i think i am broke... Haahas broke? maybe not wearing twice coz i think for the other presentation wont be wearing the same ba.
Reached home quite early... its been since a long time that i reach home that time and also have my dinner at home although is DA BAO food by mum. Also ages since i last watch channel 8 drama show, the previous show did not even manage to watch one episode and now new show are showing.
But still quite nervous for tml presentation, cant describe my feeling. I just don't feel like doing anything, thinking anything. I just blindly looking at the poster and also report and hope nothing goes wrong tml. I hope when the faci prompt me question i would be able to answer so trying to look through the manual but i keep on side track i guess. I would constantly think of whats going to happen tml.
Also becoz of some reason i cant really concentrate. Its like my focus is losing and i feel like giving a big bang on my head. argh... I need a rest to stop my mind from thinking. He is just simply giving me pressure and forcing me and i felt as if i got no place for fresh air. I need my counselor i think i am going berserk soon.
mabel just scribbled