Thursday, October 2, 2008 @ 11:03 PM
Its thursdae and back in school. Nearly forgotten that due to tues non school dae and wed PH, the modules have all shifted one dae forward. Lucky I rmb my class for CRM and did not went to 6sigma class.
Past few daes at work, everyone seems to be over the craze of woodcraft. It all started with mitc for buying those woodcraft tempting me and pris to buy too! Actually i already have some at home, one of it was this house with windmill.

and now i bought another one...pen holder

and and and another one which i have not finish fixing it... carousel!!!

This week is fast. Its going to be weekend soon but looking at the calender, looks so far.
Todae CRM lesson as usual. Its again presenting infront of the class. And i really tounge tied. =x Since year 1 long time did not stand in front of the class to present. And gerald was telling me 慢慢来. I think i just speak too fast so =x .
Gerald really wrote in his rj his thoughts about it. Thanks also for voicing out our thoughts as i really felt that way. I find no reason for anything, coz i am already zzz over the first lesson. RP faci are just bias.
But in the first place, nth is fair in this world too!
mabel just scribbled