Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 10:18 PM

Yeah~ How i wish i have long weekends too. So envy some of
YOU who has long weekends...ROAR!!!
Been rather bothered by the grades given by CRM faci. I did the same as i did for other modules no reason why i got straight B for other modules but for his module constantly getting C. @#$%^& BIAS BIAS BIAS...RP FACI ARE SUPER SI BEI BIAS. hello principal, why are they so bias huh?
UT UT UT !!! for 3 straight days... thurs, fri and coming mon. O h N o !!! 2 more weeks to my pathatic one week holidae. But i think starting to self-declare holidae... HEE. I
hate SCHOOL! why must study? since i hate school i dont even have to be bothered by the C or B, but i just think is unfair. Dont make me shoot him like i shoot chin shiong sheng, just that the reasons are different.
oh no what the world coming to. Recently been to Shop and Save and realise they are hiring more of _ _ _ _ _ people. WHY? is like wth when i realise they are from _ _ _ _ _. Don't Singapore have its own people to work for. Can't they hire those who are not having a job and currently looking for job? why these _ _ _ _ _ people have to come here to snatch other people's job. Even just now i went to starhub with dear melinda and that sales girl was also from _ _ _ _ _ . And to me, i think her attitude kind of SUX. dono dono dono... how come starhub can hire this kind of dono-kind-staff. Shouldnt her be given more proper training and increase in her knowledge of her scope of work.
I bought the wood thinggy for melinda, because i really dont know what to buy for her. Hope shes liks it ya! I even she be de buy for myself but i bought for her, because she's my lovely sister. =x oh no so mushy!!! (goosebump) HAahas
bored bored bored. =( Someone come help me clear my room... its forever messy i admit. super sad... because my mp4 player is sick. Is handicapped forever because the screen is crack like spider web. I did not drop it or hit is hard but then just realise the crack and i cant play the music although the screen still flash those images. I touch touch touch still nth plays... GRRRR...
no music~ ROAR~
mabel just scribbled